"He is no worse than other young men. I know very few who are not

quite as wild as he is. Beside, he has promised to sign the

temperance pledge if I will marry him."

"My child, you pain me beyond expression. Does the depravity which

prevails here sanction Vincent's dissipation? Oh, Georgia, has

association deprived you of horror of vice? Can you be satisfied

because others are quite as degraded? He does not mean what he

promises; it is merely to deceive you. His intemperate habits are

too confirmed to be remedied now; he began early, at college, and

has constantly grown worse."

"You are prejudiced," persisted Georgia, unable to restrain her


"If I am, it is because of his profligacy! Can you possibly be

attached to such a man?"

Georgia sobbed and cried heartily. Her good sense told her that her

mother was right, but it was difficult to relinquish the hope of

reforming him. As gently as possible, Mrs. Asbury dwelt upon his

utter worthlessness, and the misery and wretchedness which would

surely ensue from such a union. With streaming eyes, she implored

her to banish the thought, assuring her she would sooner see her in

her grave than the wife of a drunkard. And now the care of years was

to be rewarded; her firm but gentle reasoning prevailed. Georgia had

always reverenced her mother; she knew she was invariably guided by

principle; and now, as she listened to her earnest entreaties, all

her obstinacy melted away. Throwing herself into her mother's arms,

she begged her to forgive the pain and anxiety she had caused her.

Mrs. Asbury pressed her to her heart, and silently thanked God for

the success of her remonstrances. Of all this Dr. Asbury knew

nothing. When Mr. Vincent called the following day Georgia very

decidedly rejected him. Understanding from her manner that she meant

what she said, he became violently enraged; swore, with a solemn

oath, that he would make her repent her trifling; took his hat, and

left the house. This sufficed to remove any lingering tenderness

from Georgia's heart; and from that hour Fred Vincent darkened the

home circle no more.

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