"I see your citadel of reserve and mistrust cannot be carried by

storm," answered Cornelia petulantly.

Before Beulah could reply, a servant entered, and addressed


"Your mother wants to show your Paris hat and veil, and handsomest

point-lace set, to Mrs. Vincent, and Miss Julia says, can't she run

up and see you a minute?"

A sneering smile accompanied the contemptuous answer, which was

delivered in no particularly gentle manner.

"This is the second time those 'particular friends' of ours have

called to inspect my winter outfit. Take down my entire wardrobe to

them: dresses, bonnets, mantles, laces, handkerchiefs, ribbons,

shawls--nay, gloves and slippers, for there is a 'new style' of

catch on one, and of bows and buckles on the other. Do you hear me,

Mary? don't leave a rag of my French finery behind. Let the

examination be sufficiently complete this time. Don't forget the

Indian shawl and the opera cloak and hood, nor that ornamental comb,

named after the last popular danseuse; and tell Miss Julia she will

please excuse me--another time I will try to see her. Say I am


Some moments elapsed, during which Mary opened and shut a number of

drawers and boxes, and finally disappeared, staggering beneath a

load of silks, velvets, and laces. As the door closed behind her,

Cornelia smoothed her brow, and said apologetically: "Doubtless it seems a mere trifle of accommodation to display all

that mass of finery to their eagerly curious eyes; but I assure you

that, though I have not been at home quite a week, those things have

vacated their places at least twenty times for inspection; and this

ridiculous mania for the 'latest style' disgusts me beyond measure.

I tell you, the majority of the women in this town think of nothing

else. I have not yet looked over my wardrobe myself. Mother selected

it in Paris, and I did not trouble myself to examine it when it was


Beulah smiled, but offered no comment. Cornelia suddenly sank back

in her chair, and said hastily: "Give me that vial on the bureau! Quick! quick!"

Beulah sprang up and handed her the vial, which she put to her lips.

She was ghastly pale, her features writhed, and heavy drops

glistened on her brow, corrugated by severe pain.

"Can I do anything for you, Cornelia? Shall I call your mother?"

"No. You may fan me, if you will." She moaned and closed her eyes.

Beulah seized a fan, and did as requested, now and then wiping away

the moisture which gathered around the lips and forehead. Gradually

the paroxysm passed off, and, opening her eyes, she said wearily: "That will do, thank you. Now pour out a glass of water from the

pitcher yonder."

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