He stops in front of me, and I tip my head back and look up. Was he this tall before? I don’t remember? He’s got to be six feet, possibly taller.

“Hey,” I say softly, taking him in. “Long time no see.”

He’s a good looking man, there’s absolutely no doubt about it. He has a tall, dark, and handsome thing going on. The complete opposite of Michael. Roman’s hair is thick, dark, and cropped fairly short on his head, but still long enough that you could grab hold of it. He has these incredible eyes—I noticed them when I first met him. They stood out. They’re beautiful. Brown and framed with thick lashes. He looks like he has Italian in him, maybe Maltese. Whatever it is shines through strong. He’s a looker.

He also smells amazing.

I don’t know why I notice that, but he does. Some men have unique smells, he’s one of them. It’s hard to stand next to him and not notice how he smells.

“I thought it was you,” he says. His voice is sexy, not too deep, but smooth and masculine. “How are you?”

I blink, and then smile. “I’m okay. How are you?”

His eyes to flash with a familiar kind of pain. It seems familiar because I’ve seen the same pain flash in my eyes when I look into the mirror. “I’m okay,” he says, shifting slightly. “How’s everything been going? Are you still working down at the local restaurant?”

I nod. “Yeah, still working there while I study. How about you?”

“Yeah, still working away.”

His brown eyes scan over my face and something passes over me. Comfort, maybe. I’m not sure. There’s something about him. Something warm. Something good. It radiates off of him. Sometimes you meet people like that, people that make you feel instantly good and you can’t figure out why. He’s one of those people.

“That sucks,” I say. “You should come past the restaurant sometime. We’ll catch up.”

He smiles. Dimples. Hot.

“Yeah, sounds good. Here’s my number, just give me a text. It was good to see you, Molly. It’ll be good to catch up.”

I programme his number into my phone and I give him mine. Then I give him the best smile I can muster up. “You, too. Talk soon?”

He nods, studies me once more, and then disappears down the sidewalk. I watch him go and then stare down at my phone where his number is displayed on my screen. So very random. I shrug and tuck my phone away then continue my quest to the store. Eating my feelings away is probably not the wisest idea, but it’s the only one I have right now.

I duck in and get what I need, then I carry it quickly back to my car and slide in the passenger seat. I glance at my phone again. Nothing from Michael. Not a call. Not a text. Nothing. It’s as if he just forgot about me. It’s as if he just decided he was done and that’s that. He can’t even call. Not even just to ask if I’m okay. Is it really that hard to check on someone? Is he really that terrible?

Anger bubbles in my chest, and I start the drive back to my apartment. It’s on the outskirts of town. My dad got it for me when I wanted to move out. He made sure it was near him so he could keep an eye on me. There are only a handful of houses out there, maybe ten or so, and they’re all spread out. It’s a really nice area, quiet and comfortable.

As I’m nearing my place, I see Roman getting out of his car and walking towards the front door of a house just up the road from mine. I smile and shake my head. I can’t believe he lives that close and I never saw him before. Was I that distracted? When I pull into my driveway, I pull out my phone and hesitate. Should I send him a message? Yeah. I totally should. I’m sure he’ll find the funny side.

M – I didn’t know you lived on Bates road! I live on Sheridan road, just around the corner. We’re practically neighbours.

M – P.S I just saw you, I’m totally not stalking you!

My stomach does a little twist. What if he thinks I’m a total weirdo for sending a random message like that? My phone chirps in my hand before I get the chance to think too much about it. I glance down and read the message from Roman.

R – Yeah. I’ve seen you drive past a few times, when I’m mowing my lawn. I wave but you don’t see me!

Oh, my god.

I laugh softly and respond.

M – Oh! I didn’t see you! Haha.

R – Lol. Yeah. I’ve seen you a few times now.

I shake my head with a smile and climb out of the car, taking my groceries and moving into my apartment. My phone beeps just as I place them on the counter and I glance down at the screen again. There is a picture of a hand holding a beer. I laugh and reply.

M – Hard afternoon?

R – Someone has to do it. Been working all week, I’ve been wanting to get home just for this!

M – I suppose it’s good it’s you then. I wish I could have a beer.

R – Why don’t you?

I put my groceries away and frown. Probably because my entire family exists of rowdy bikers, considering my father is the President of the Jokers Wrath Motorcycle Club. I spend most of my time with my sister and all my other friends from the club, but outside of it, I don’t really have any friends. Michael was my only friend, and then I made the mistake of falling in love with him.

M – I don’t really have any friends that will drink with me  I think I need a new friend!

R – You looking for a Bestie? So you can have someone to drink with?

I giggle, and a happy feeling washes over my chest. A feeling I haven’t had in the last few weeks. A feeling I honestly thought I’d never feel again. It’s a lightness. An easing of the heavy ache in my chest. I don’t really know this man, but he’s making me smile, and right now, I’ll take anything that makes me feel better.

M – Why are you offering?

R – Yep. Lol.

I can’t help it, I burst out laughing. A stranger just offered to be my new best friend. It’s so completely irrational that it almost seems normal. I type out a response with a massive smile on my face.

M – There are some things you need to know about me, if you’re going to be my new Bestie. I’m quarter crazy, quarter deviot, quarter alcoholic and quarter feral.

My grin gets bigger when he responds.

R – I can handle that. But you should know, I’m 100% cunt, if you’re okay with that, then I guess we just became best friends.

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