‘Sandhya has issued the visa from me,’ she said in all eagerness.

‘Tell me what happened,’ he was taken aback by her manner, but as she pictured the magnanimity of Sandhya’s soul, he felt immensely relieved.

‘Roopa, I can understand your feelings,’ he said, hugging her. ‘And I love you even more for your sensitivity. Baring your heart might lighten your burden, but have you ever thought how that would affect her mind.’

‘Don’t you know how Sandhya loves me?’ she said ecstatically. ‘With open arms, she would invite me into your life.’

‘I too feel so,’ he said persuasively, ‘but we shouldn’t make it a bolt from the blue for her. Though shocked herself, she could be happy for you. But then, won’t she suffer for her own sake?’

‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ said Roopa remorsefully. ‘How I’ve got carried away! Why I didn’t I think from her angle?’

‘Roopa,’ he said assuredly. ‘Have patience for happier times. Let her slowly get used to our closeness, and prepare herself for our intimacy. As we three go along together, let things lead from one to another. Only that would be smooth on her, and not your dramatic confession. Don’t we love her enough to care for her feelings?’

‘In the meantime, then,’ she said overcome by emotion, ‘let me bear my own guilt.’

‘What guilt is that,’ he said, after kissing her, as though to suck out her guilt, ‘when you’ve got the blank cheque from her. Some time in her presence, we might sink into embrace, prompting her to enlace us for making it a threesome.’

‘Imagine,’ she said dreamily, ‘how that would strengthen our love?’

‘In three fold ways,’ he said as he motioned her.

Then, Roopa in tranquility led her Raja to her bed, to let him solace her soul.

‘I’m glad our love isn’t a spoiler either way,’ she said, after he made love to her. ‘Don’t you find her sexier, being a little plumpy?’

‘Oh, she’s handier to fondle now,’ he winked at her, fondling her. ‘With both of you carrying equal weight, won’t that make it more of a balancing act?’

‘Oh, for me to have a greater fare,’ she thought recalling her same sex amour, ‘won’t her figure auger well?’

‘Whom do you love more?’ he asked her, finding her lost in her thoughts.

‘If not for her, I wouldn’t have had my savior in you,’ she said in all earnestness, ‘I led you into my heart, but in her tracts of love.’

‘But it’s not the case with the output of our ardor,’ he said a little disappointed. ‘You let it go waste.’

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