Why, I’m annoyed with you still, for having insisted on my penning down my inner feelings, although I made you privy to every nuance of my emotion. Why, had I not conveyed my craving for you through my body, every time it was entwined with yours? But, as you know, I only live to fulfill every whim and fancy of yours.

All the same, I can feel your desire to behold our love in my hand, having seen it through my eyes. But be certain that whichever way you look at it, you will still find me fulfilled. If I could make you feel likewise, I would have a purpose to live, and a cause to die for. Don’t you pull faces (she paused to see his face and found it aglow) I know what our love means to you too.

Thanks to our union, I have a revelation, as I find it hard to relive the sexual ecstasy I’ve experienced with you; the sensual pleasure of your touch has come to stay in my consciousness. It is as though the softness of your skin has seeped into my flesh.

I wait - to meet and mate.

Yours ever, by heart and soul,

Roopa Rao.”

‘I’m eager,’ he said.

‘I’ll go through the ablutions,’ she went about it.

‘I too am thirsty,’ he said in ecstasy.

‘Let’s turn 69.’

‘Oh, my Roopa,’ he sputtered at length.

‘Let’s roll over.’

‘Don wants it,’ he said pushing her away, at length.

‘Dame too craves.’

‘Oh, juicy welcome,’ he said as she took him in.

‘I’m getting mad,’ she groaned.

‘Your spasms tell,’ he crooned.

‘Oh, I’m dying,’ she cried.

‘How thrilling,’ he moaned.

‘Your motions reveal,’ she was ecstatic.

‘Oh, I’m coming!’ he exclaimed.

‘I knew it from my orgasm,’ she cooed in the end.

‘You shall lay me,’ she said, as they lay in embrace, ‘in the very bed that I grew up daydreaming.’

‘Roopa,’ he said in all admiration, ‘you are a love rash really.’

‘If it’s a new coinage, the patent should be mine,’ she said lovingly. ‘Why not lay the hen in its very den. Won’t that be a game man?’

‘I won’t be surprised,’ he said, in jest, ‘if you target my den as well.’

‘Oh, imagine the possibilities,’ she winked at him, ‘with the other one around.’

‘Really, Roopa,’ he exclaimed, ‘you’re a love devil, if there is one.’

‘It’s about being devil in the bed and angel otherwise,’ she said joyously. ‘Haven’t you heard the adage?’

‘Now I’m coming to know,’ he said, and added after a pause, ‘What of Prasad?’

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