Software of Detour

That April evening, Roopa impatiently waited for Sathyam’s return from the office. As though to keep irritation at bay, she was rereading Sandhya’s letter delivered that day.

‘When it’s time for their coming, what do I get to hear from her,’ she thought at length, folding her mate’s missive. ‘Isn’t it about the postponement of her exams? Why not rename India as Postponeland? How something or the other comes in my way to Delhi. Come what may, I should go now to know where I stand on the ladder of Raja’s love.’

Having realized that it was already ten, she felt worried and thought, ‘What could have held him up? Why, the homebody that he is, he comes home straight, doesn’t he? Is it possible that he’s in some trouble? Or, is he gossiping with Prasad? Why don’t I find out from Prasad? Anyway, let me wait for a while.’

When Sathyam didn’t turn up even by eleven, she called Prasad, from a nearby P.C.O.

‘Prasad here.’

‘I’m Roopa.’

‘My darling.’

‘You shut up.’

‘Oh, don’t joke.’

‘Is Sathyam there?’

‘Has he gone missing or what?’

‘Don’t be silly,’ she said, ‘I was only checking up.’

‘Okay, let’s be serious,’ he said. ‘Can I check-in dear?’

‘Don’t bother, mister,’ she hung up amidst his loud laughter.

‘Some welcome development at last,’ thought Prasad, still holding onto the receiver. ‘Well, she would never ever get wind of my game plan.’

On her return however, finding Sathyam sitting drowsily on the staircase, Roopa said in vexation, ‘I had to ring up Prasad for you.’

‘I think it’s time,’ he said giving way to Roopa, ‘I apply for a connection.’

As she opened the door morosely, he followed her drowsily. However once they went in, trying to take her into his arms, he said, ‘I couldn’t say no at the party. The leading contractor arranged it, after all. Now, isn’t it your turn to say yes.’

‘Oh, how you stink in your mouth,’ she reproached him.

‘How does that matter,’ he said trying to grab her, ‘as you’re not given to kissing.’

‘You should realize that I was scared to death,’ she said pushing him away, still cut up with him.

‘Though I’m sorry for you,’ he said taking her hand all the same. ‘I’m happy that you care for me.’

‘And this is how you pay me back,’ she said as she pulled her hand from him. ‘Enough of it, let’s have dinner.’

‘I’m full any way,’ he said fondling his belly. ‘Let me serve you for a change.’ Copyright 2016 - 2024