“I love him,” I whisper. “So much that it terrifies and exhilarates me at the same time.”

Demi’s soft smile makes me feel at ease with my admission. There’s understanding in her eyes, speaking volumes but without saying a word.

“He loves you too.” Her statement makes my smile. It has as much certainty in it as if you were to state that the sky is blue and know that without a doubt it’s true.

“Are you ready to go?” she asks in her next breath, clapping and bouncing on her feet excitedly. Her enthusiasm is both contagious and compelling and I find myself wanting to bounce and clap right along with her.

I nod and we head out the door, making our way down to my grey Jeep.

The stadiums parking lot is almost full when we arrive but we manage to find a spot in the corner. Fans are hovering everywhere, creating a noticeable jolt of anticipation in the atmosphere. Getting out my Jeep, my awareness of my surroundings instinctively increases and I find myself observing the face of every guy with sandy blonde hair and a lean, muscular build. I sigh inwardly when I don’t recognize them and casually start making my way towards the stadium entrance with Demi at my side. We walk in and Demi releases a squeal of delight, looking bright eyed and bushy tailed. There isn’t an open seat anywhere, save for the people still entering the stadium. My nerves twist and turn in my belly as we take our seats right in front of the fifty yard line. Of course Grayson would have gotten us two of the best seats; he’ll want to be able to see me during the game. Silly boy. I don’t want him worrying about me when he has guys charging at him during the game. I just hope I won’t have to watch him get hurt, that will be my undoing.

The noise dies down and the announcers’ voice booms through the speakers. It becomes eerily quiet, everyone waiting for our boys in black and gold to run onto the field. When the heads of our team come streaming out of the tunnel, pandemonium erupts and the crowd goes wild. I watch as Grayson jogs onto the field with his team mates, commanding his team with the power and authority I’ve come to recognize. My eyes travel the length of his body, stopping a bit longer where the material of his pants hugs his butt and thighs. I never understood why girls swooned over the way a football player looks in his uniform, but seeing the way the material clings to Graysons’ skin and shows off every muscle, I finally get it. My need for him grows and heat pools between my legs. The thought of wrapping my legs around his lean waist while his legs tense with each thrust is enough to make me explode right here. The feeling is purely animalistic.

He catches me looking at him and he smirks. He’s developed an uncanny ability to read my thoughts, especially when they’re about him, and judging by the glint in his eyes, he knows what I’m thinking right now. Because he’s thinking it too.

I grin seductively and blow him a kiss, laughing when he pretends to catch it and throw one back my way. I love his playful side. Oh, who am I kidding, I love every side of my complicated man.

The other team makes their way onto the field and both sides get into position. Despite knowing next to nothing about this sport, I’m excited to see Grayson in action. I look to my left and can practically see the drool coming from Demi’s mouth as she watches Brody. When I look back at the field, it’s just in time for the first play. Brody snaps the ball to Grayson, who calls out a play, and passes the ball to one of his wide receivers. He then runs in the opposite direction, while his linemen run in front of him, and catches the ball thrown back from the wideout. The crowd screams as his linemen lead him downfield, gaining some good yardage before the other teams’ defense intercepts them.

By half time, the other team is leading by three points but knowing Uncle Alex, he’ll definitely have a trick or two up his sleeve. The half time whistle blows and the teams head back towards their locker rooms. Grayson catches my eye and motions for me to come to the railing. I walk towards him as he hops onto the cement block on the other side of the rails and when I reach him, he doesn’t wait to catch his breath before pulling me in for a kiss. He’s hot and sweaty, which only heightens the rush I feel as our lips and tongues collide. Cheers and whistles come from behind me but I’m too preoccupied to care. Grayson pulls away, aware that he doesn’t have much time before the second half, and smiles his megawatt smile. The sight of him makes my knees want to buckle but I hold on to his shirt like it’s a lifeline.

“I’m going to win this one for you my beautiful girl,” he breathes, trying to catch his breath. I return his smile and can’t help the butterflies that take flight in my belly.

“Win for me, and I’ll make sure you’re rewarded,” I tease wickedly. I lean in close, whispering in his ear, “I’m ready for you to strip me out of this shirt and take me from behind.”

I cheer myself on inwardly when I lean back to look into Graysons’ eyes and see them widen as understanding flashes across his face. He loves it when I talk dirty and I know it’s a fantasy of his to see me on my hands and knees while he takes me from behind. A shiver of anticipation travels down my spine and coils in my belly, setting the butterflies on fire and making my body feel ablaze.

I kiss him one last time before he jumps down in a daze and disappears into the tunnel. I turn around and head back to my seat, only to find Graysons’ ex-girlfriend, Haley, shooting daggers at me with her eyes. I stand a little taller and meet her glare head-on. Yes bitch, he’s mine. There’s a challenge in her stare and I gladly accept it before turning to face the field. Bring it on bitch.

“What the hell was that all about?” Demi asks next to me. She looks at Haley from over her shoulder and I giggle when I see her scowl. Her face scrunches up like a bull dog and I have to cover my mouth to stifle my hysterical laugh.

“Dem, just ignore her,” I say through my laughter. “She’s not worth it.”

Demi clucks her tongue and turns to face me with a serious expression on her face. “If I were you, I’d keep Grayson far, far away from that bitch. It wouldn’t surprise me if she tried to get back with him.”

“I really hope we don’t see her at the party.”

Before I can overthink Demi’s warning, and worry myself sick, Grayson and his team jog back onto the field. When our eyes meet he winks at me and my skin prickles at his silent promise. Uncle Alex’s expression is stoic, giving nothing away, but I can see his focus and determination. Grayson and his teammates huddle together briefly before taking their positions on the field and getting themselves ready for another grueling half-game.

When the whistle blows and Brody snaps the ball to Grayson, my eyes follow his every move but my mind turns Demi’s words over and over again, wondering if there’s any truth behind her warning. What if Haley does show up the party and tries something with Grayson? How will he react? More importantly, how will I react?

The crowd around me erupts into cheers and brings me back to the present moment. Graysons’ team is now tied with the opposition, giving them a chance to actually win.

With five minutes left in the second half, the score still remains tied. Uncle Alex stands on the side talking to Grayson and his hands move animatedly in the air. Grayson gives a stern nod of his head and relays whatever it is Uncle Alex said to him, to his team mates. The stadium goes quiet as we wait with baited breath to see who’s going to win the game. With two minutes left on the clock, I resist the urge to cover my eyes and yell “I can’t watch”. My gaze is glued to Grayson.

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