Relief opened the floodgate to rage. Red seeped from the corners of the room as Tony imagined someone doing this to her. Breaking his trance and the deafening silence, Claire spoke. Her words were a reminder that Baldwin was still present. “Please give us a moment alone, Harry. I promise I’ll be fine.”

Tony turned to the young man, summoned his public persona, and said, “Mr. Baldwin, I will only stay as long as Claire allows.”

After a moment of staring at Tony, Baldwin stepped toward Claire and squeezed her hand. Tony tried to ignore their familiar interaction, as Baldwin said, “I’m right on the other side of that door.”

“Thank you,” she replied. “For everything.”

After a prolonged stare at Claire, and then again at Tony, Baldwin silently opened the door, allowing the protests of Claire’s family to infiltrate the room. Her family’s words barely registered over Tony’s anger, as the memories of her accident intermingled with the new source of his red. Claire’s voice came like a lifeline, pulling him from the downward spiral. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

He took her hand, noticing her moist cheeks, and said, “The last time I saw you like this…”

“I’m all right.”

Tony refocused his anger, his threat sounding more like a growl. “If that son-of-a-bitch weren’t dead, I’d kill him myself.”

“Tony, we are both okay.”

His eyes opened wide; the hours of tension and worry fled from his muscles, leaving him momentarily stunned. “I haven’t been able to get any specific information. I just assumed—”

Claire interrupted, “The doctor was just here. She said our baby is fine.”

Her words overwhelmed him, causing his vision to blur. It was too much; their baby was all right. His baby—her baby. Tony didn’t realize how much he truly wanted this child until that moment. He paced near the end of her bed, allowing his thoughts to settle. Finally, he spoke, “Claire, just like your accident, this is my fault, too.” She shook her head, but he continued, “I don’t know how Chester found you or knew of our connection. I don’t even know how he knew me. I knew him when I was Anton.” He moved closer and started to reach for her chin, but stopped, afraid that if he touched her, he’d hurt her. “And now look at what he’s done.”

Claire reached for his hand and lifted it to her face, completing the contact he sought. “Thank you for coming. I feel so much better having you here.”

As her face inclined to his touch, Tony’s forehead fell to her chest, and he sighed with relief. “I knew my presence wouldn’t be welcome. I’ve been waiting on another floor for word of your waking.”

She smiled. “Yes, I heard your welcoming committee.”

He looked into her eyes, and his voice hardened with each phrase. “When you’re well enough to travel, you’re coming home where you’ll be safe, and where Catherine can take care of you.”

Claire’s eyes narrowed. “That didn’t sound like a question.”

He returned her glare. “It shouldn’t. I would hate to mislead you; it wasn’t.”

Claire exhaled. “Chester is dead—no more danger.”

Tony leaned closer. “Are you seriously going to argue about this, covered in bruises, and carrying my baby?”

Defiantly, she raised her chin and kissed his pursed lips. “Not right now,” she mused. “Let me get some rest and get a little stronger. Then I will.”

“Good.” He kissed her again. “I look forward to it.” Squeezing her hand, he continued, “We don’t know if Patrick Chester was working alone. Until we find out and locate your laptop, this isn’t negotiable.”

Claire sighed. “I need some sleep for this headache to go away, and then I’ll respond with the appropriate cheekiness for you.”

Tony grinned. “Even looking like you do, I think you’re sexy as hell.” He gently kissed her forehead. “Do you think now is a good time to tell your entourage our news?”

Claire looked down. “No, they know.” Tony’s eyebrows went up as Claire continued, “The doctor told Harry before I woke. He told everyone else.”

Red once again threatened. “Why would the doctor tell him?”

“She assumed he was the father.”

Tony tried to process. “And does he assume that as well?”

Shyly, she replied, “Yes.”

If she’d slapped him, he couldn’t have stood faster. Suddenly, Tony’s envelope ripped open and the relief he’d just experienced evaporated. “You got what you gave.” Tony searched for the source of Nathaniel’s voice as he paced around the hospital room. “You got what you gave.” He could hear the words as plain as day. The divorce was his doing—not hers. He had a chance for happiness staring at him from behind a bruised face. Would he let this news steal it away and leave him again with nothing? When Tony turned back to Claire, her eyes were closed and her head rested against the pillow. She’d said she had a headache. He knew he should let her rest, but first Tony needed confirmation. “You’re sure that I’m the father?”

Emerald green filled his vision, as she replied without hesitation. “Yes, you were at the condominium two weeks before Harry and I—well, at the ultrasound, the doctor said the heartbeat isn’t detectable until six weeks. If he were the father, I would’ve barely been five weeks along—at that time, I was seven.” She reached out to him and after only a moment of hesitation, Tony stepped forward and took her hand. Claire went on, “Tony, I didn’t know we were together until you confirmed it at the gala. I remembered it, but I’d convinced myself it was a dream.” Copyright 2016 - 2024