Claire reached up and kissed his cheek, sending a wave of warmth through his entire body. In her voice he heard true gratitude. “Thank you.” He didn’t deserve it; Tony knew that. Nonetheless, it was wonderful to hear.

Before they pressed the doorbell, Tim opened the door. With Sue by his side, he politely offered a greeting, “Welcome to our home, Tony, Claire.”

Tony glanced to Sue. She motioned toward their sitting room and said, “Please come in.”

Everyone was there—all of Tony’s closest friends. Six pairs of eyes stared as the room fell deadly silent, and Claire tightened her grip of his hand. Tony was about to speak when Courtney placed her wine glass on the table and walked toward them. It was as if she didn’t see Tony, as her blue eyes glassed over with tears. Suddenly, Claire was engulfed in Courtney’s embrace. He had no choice but to release her hand.

All of his work to prepare Claire was a waste of time. The two women were hugging, crying, and holding on to one another for dear life. Tony watched in horror, as one by one, the other women joined the hugfest until Claire was surrounded. Helplessly, he watched as all of the women disappeared into the kitchen. It wasn’t until Tim slapped him on the shoulder and said, “It’s a good thing,” that Tony released the breath he didn’t know he’d been holding.

The advantage to dating women whom you cared nothing about was the lack of drama. While Claire was gone, he never brought anyone around his friends; there was no need. Now that he had Claire back with the few people in the world whom he respected and valued, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he’d never figure out women. They were far too complicated.

The evening progressed exceptionally well. Most of the time when Tony looked to Claire, she was by his side, saying or doing the perfect thing. At one point, Tony realized that both Claire and Brent were missing. Remembering Brent’s icy response from less than a week ago, Tony’s heart beat quickened as he searched. Courtney saw his concern and joined him. Together, they found Brent and Claire in the kitchen simply discussing California. When Courtney asked Claire for her cell number, Tony filled with relief, seeing that his friends were truly supporting his decision.

It wasn’t until Brent announced that he and Courtney needed to leave, that Tony asked to have a private talk amongst the four of them. Suddenly, Claire’s performance faltered. She seemed anxious. Why could she talk to them in the house, but feared being alone? Tony wanted to reassure her that it was all right, that his friends were already helping her more than she knew.

As they thanked Tim and Sue for hosting the dinner, Sue asked, “Could you please wait just a minute?” Without waiting for an answer, she hurried away toward the stairs.

Puzzled, Tony looked down to Claire and heard Courtney say, “I think she’s going to get Sean. He’s upstairs with the nanny.” Claire didn’t verbally respond, but her eyes did. He’d seen that look before, questioning, asking. He shrugged and Claire turned to Courtney. “Can you stay for a few more minutes? I know you have a lot to do, and Tony wants to talk—”

“Oh, honey,” Courtney replied, “I always have time for babies. Wait until you see him!”

While they waited for Sue to return with Sean, Tony remembered Sue’s initial reaction and realized what a big step this was for her. Obviously, even without that knowledge, Claire recognized it. When Tony refocused, Courtney and Brent were talking about grandchildren. Moments later, Sue appeared with a pajama-clad Sean. The last time Tony had seen their son had been at his birthday party. Kids’ parties weren’t really Tony’s thing, and he hadn’t stayed long, but the kid was cute with blonde hair like his mom’s. Tony met Sue’s gaze and nodded approvingly, before she turned toward his ex-wife. “Claire, I wanted you to meet Sean. I’m sorry. This is past his bedtime, and the poor little guy is getting tired.”

“Hello, little guy, it’s nice to meet you.” Claire’s voice sounded high. Tony wondered why normal adults talk strangely around kids, when she asked, “He’s what—about fifteen months?”

“Almost.” Sue smiled. “He’s so much fun, getting into everything and learning new words every day.”

When Tim stepped forward, Sean put out his arms, and Tim swung him into his embrace. “Believe me,” Tim added, “it makes you think about every word when little ears are listening.”

Tony thought it seemed like a lot of undue stress. He’d spent enough time thinking about what to say with Claire. Her emotion-filled voice refocused his thoughts as she patted the kid’s head. “Thank you. I think you might have some difficulty getting him back to sleep.”

Once they were out by the cars, Tony squared his shoulders and addressed Claire, Brent, and Courtney. It was time for Claire to understand that he was taking her requests seriously, and he believed it would sound more sincere if she heard it from Brent. Tony began, “I’m doing my best to be honest with Claire, and I expect the same from her.” He wished she didn’t look so nervous. “That’s why I thought we should get this out in the open.”

Claire interjected, “Tony, I think the Simmonses need to—”

“This won’t take long.” Tony turned to Brent. “I’ve trusted Brent with many things through the years. That’s why I wanted him to be the one to tell you about his progress regarding your brother-in-law.”

“Yes,” Brent said, expelling a breath. Tony knew they had a lot to do for the wedding and rehearsal, but this was important. Brent went on to explain that some new information had come to the attention of the New York State Bar Association, and John’s case would soon be coming up for review. If all went well, the result would be the reinstatement of his license to practice law. As Brent spoke, Tony watched Claire’s eyes glow and glisten. Copyright 2016 - 2024