“If it’s the security you’re concerned about, I’ll gladly help pay—”

Courtney lifted her hand. “You’re getting ahead of yourself. First, let me call Julia.”

Tony acquiesced—did he have another choice?

Courtney stepped from the porch to make the call, leaving Tony and Brent alone in a cloud of uncomfortable silence. This whole conversation was different than Tony had imagined. In his mind he would come over to their house, explain the press release, and tell them he would bring Claire to the wedding—end of story. Of course, he still needed to convince Claire, but needing to convince his friends never entered his mind.

When he looked up, Brent’s tired eyes were bearing down on him. “What?” Tony asked. “I get the feeling there’s more you want to say.”

“No. I’m just processing. I’m trying to figure out why the hell I went to Mitchellville and threatened Ms. Nichols with a civil suit. What has she said or done that has made you do a one-eighty?”

Customarily, a rebuke such as that would send Tony through the roof; instead, he sagged against the soft cushion and exhaled. “I don’t know. You know that I was angry when she refused my offer of the mental institution.”

Brent harrumphed.

“I sent you there… because…” Tony stood and paced. “…I wanted her to know that I was angry.”

Brent continued to glare.

“I know, I know. I wish I could explain. Honestly, I don’t even know where to start. It’s just that when I’m with—”

“She said yes!” Courtney interrupted, filling the room with a ring of happiness like Tony hadn’t heard since he arrived.

“She did?” Brent asked. “Does Julia have any idea what this will be like?” Turning to Tony, he asked, “Do you plan on bringing Ms. Nichols to the rehearsal reception?”

“You may,” Courtney quickly added.

Tony ran his hand through his hair. “Claire, her name’s Claire, and I don’t know. I haven’t even talked to her about it. Shit.”

“What?” Courtney prodded.

“This has been much more difficult than I anticipated. What about everyone else?”

“I thought you said you didn’t care?” Brent quipped.

“I don’t, but I’m thinking of Claire.” Tony thought out loud. “I wish there was some way to reintroduce her to our inner circle, without all the wedding guests or even the wedding party.”

“Have you spoken to anyone else about this?” Courtney asked.

Tony explained that he’d been waiting to speak to them. Then, he planned to visit Tim and Sue and Tom and Bev. He would call Eli and Mary Ann.

“You do that and then call Claire. Let me see what I can do.” Courtney’s enthusiasm was contagious.

Tony shook his head. “No, you have too much happening.”

“Nonsense.” She put her hand on Tony’s arm. “Just tell everyone what you’ve told us. None of us wanted to believe that she was guilty. If Claire’s willing to face all of us, the least we can do is make it easier for her.”

Tony peered into Courtney’s sincere blue eyes. “Thank you.”

Once back inside of his car, Tony dialed Claire’s number; she didn’t answer. Next, he tried Tim Bronson. “Hey, Tim, this is Tony. Are you and Sue home?” “Good, I was wondering…”

By the time Tony made it back to his estate, he was exhausted. He’d stated his case with all of his closest friends; he’d even been able to reach Eli and Mary Ann in California. They all agreed to support his decision, although somewhat apprehensively at first. It was during his drive home that he received the call from Sue. She’d spoken to Courtney and asked if the reunion of the inner circle could take place at their house on Thursday night. Momentarily speechless, Tony accepted her invitation. Sue had been the least receptive regarding Claire’s return. She rightfully questioned the presence of someone with even the possibility of having attempted murder being around her family. Of course, she meant their son, Sean. Tony assured her that since Sean wouldn’t be at the wedding or rehearsal, there would be no need to worry. Since her tone, during the call, still held the slightest bit of trepidation, Tony suspected that Courtney had played more than a leading role in the plans. He wanted to ask if Sue planned on sending Sean out of state; instead, he said thank you.

The next step was Claire. He’d tried calling her between Tim and Tom’s house and again didn’t receive an answer. Looking at the corner of his screen and seeing that it was almost 3:00 PM, he dialed her number.

He was just about to give up when Claire answered, “Tony, this is the third time you’ve called today. We aren’t making any public appearances for two weeks. Please give me some space.”

A chuckle came from the depth of his throat. “Hello, Claire, so nice to hear your pleasant tone.”

“I’ve got a lot going on. What do you want?”

Tony contemplated her agitation. Part of him feared that allowing her any distance was asking for her to change her mind. He tried to keep his voice light. “Let me say, I would call less frequently if you would answer your phone.” She didn’t respond, so he continued, “I made plans for us, for this coming weekend.”

“I agreed to go to Chicago, in two weeks.” Each phrase grew a bit louder and more clipped. “I’m not going anywhere with you next weekend.”

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