Reunification: verb. To cause group, party, state, or sect to become unified again after being divided.

Though the San Francisco St. Regis Hotel was large and stately, Tony didn’t notice, and more importantly, he didn’t care. The charity gala taking place there was a fiasco and getting worse by the minute. Initially, he’d planned to attend to have an opportunity to speak with Derek Burke. It was all arranged. The CEO of Shedis-tics, Roger Cunningham, promised Burke’s presence. The only issue was Derek’s wife, Sophia. Tony wasn’t ready to come face to face with Sophia quite yet. He’d been to too many of her art exhibitions, and they’d crossed paths more times than he was sure she realized. Tony didn’t want her to have a revelation in the middle of a huge charity function.

That was why he’d ordered Mr. George, from the Palo Alto art studio, to send Sophia back to Provincetown. It was a legitimate story. Tony had spent a fortune on her paintings, and he wanted his purchases. He also wanted to see more of her collection. What neither Mr. George nor Tony expected was for Derek to fly with Sophia to the Cape and help her gather her collection. Together they’d managed to accomplish her mission in days instead of weeks. Now, at this ridiculously expensive Friday-night celebration, both Mr. and Mrs. Derek Burke were present and awaiting Anthony Rawlings.

If that weren’t enough to send Tony’s private life into overdrive, there was plenty more. As was common practice, Patricia had requested the guest list for the gala. The Rawlings Industries’ security personnel customarily reviewed these lists prior to events. It was one of the many mundane steps that assured their CEO’s safety. This time the list was far from mundane. The name that caught Patricia’s attention was Claire Nichols.

When Tony read his ex-wife’s name, his figurative floor dropped out from under him. Not only was Claire attending, but she was being escorted by Harrison Baldwin; they were the official SiJo Gaming representatives. As luck would have it, SiJo Gaming and Shedis-tics shared a table. Tony’s head ached with the thought of Claire and Sophia at the same table. He wondered how that conversation would go. “My, you look familiar. Oh, yes, I painted your wedding portrait. How do you like it?” The coincidences were too numerous not to raise suspicion.

Tony made his decision. He would attend the gala, and he would escort Claire. He had no intention of being at the same function with his ex-wife and another man. It didn’t matter that he could have a damn Sports Illustrated swimsuit model on his arm; Tony was not sitting at the head table and looking out to a room of donors and seeing Claire with anyone.

He thought about calling her, discussing the event, and proposing his idea. It was a fleeting thought. After their conversation in San Diego, Tony didn’t believe that Claire was ready to willingly make the appropriate choice. According to Roach and his time-lapsed cameras, after Tony left Claire’s suite in San Diego, Baldwin showed up at her door after 3:00 AM with the police in tow. Tony understood; he would have done the same. What reassured Tony about Baldwin’s visit were the pictures that Roach took of the inside of Claire’s suite with the couch made up like a bed. Tony wasn’t happy that Baldwin spent two nights there, but those photos made it much better.

Since their meeting, Tony had asked Brent to start working on having John’s law license reinstated. It was a painful task. Tony didn’t like John, and helping him went against Tony’s nature; nevertheless, he told himself he wasn’t doing it for John—it was for Claire. He’d also signed Claire’s damn agreement and paid Meredith a stipend. Claire’s memoirs would stay hidden as long as her criteria were met. The agreement stated that Claire, her friends, and her family would remain safe—a rather broad statement. What if one of them stepped in front of a bus? Tony’s legal team reworded it to something more specific about questionable causes of harm or disappearance. The loophole in the agreement, the one about to be exploited, was the lack of specifics about harm done to a company.

Every company had at least one employee with a price. SiJo was no exception. The virus that infected SiJo’s network a few hours ago was essentially harmless. It was the public repercussions of such a breach that could be potentially damaging; whether that breach became public depended upon Claire’s response to Tony’s new declaration.

Against Shelly’s better judgment, she wrote a news release to Tony’s specifications. The release was ready to publish. Tony was just waiting for word of Claire’s arrival to the St. Regis. Once she was in the building and out of the range of media, news of their reunification would hit the wire.

Associated Press – May 24, 2013

Mr. Anthony Rawlings, CEO of Rawlings Industries, asks the public for patience at this difficult time. He believes that two years ago he and the world were deceived. Despite circumstances and appearances, he is now convinced that his ex-wife, Claire Nichols (Rawlings), was erroneously accused of attempted murder.

This realization came to Mr. Rawlings through a series of personal and private encounters with Ms. Nichols. Listening to instinct and following his heart, a combination of resources that have successfully helped to create his global empire, Mr. Rawlings is now certain of Ms. Nichols’ innocence.

In an effort to correct the wrongful prosecution by the state of Iowa, Mr. Rawlings attempted to reverse the ruling of the judge, to no avail. In a moment of inspiration, Mr. Rawlings personally contacted Governor Bosley and requested Ms. Nichols’ pardon. With the assistance of Jane Allyson, Esquire, and the signature of the late Governor Richard Bosley, the innocent Claire Nichols was pardoned and released from prison on March 9, 2013. Copyright 2016 - 2024