By seven, she was walking towards the Meenakshi temple. As usual she circumbulated thrice the shrine and prayed by closing her eyes. The head priest blessed her with the camphor lit plate and crimson powder and a segment of jasmine flower. Swathi adorned the jasmine flower on her plait and smeared a little dimension of crimson powder on her glabella.

Swathi was struck with wonder but followed the seraphic lady involuntarily.

She heard somebody calling her name and turned to that side.

There stood a divine lady in her ravishing red silk sari with Elysian smile on her face and spoke distinctly to her: ”Swathi, my child. Will you come there?” She pointed to the eastern direction.

Swathi was struck with wonder but followed the seraphic lady involuntarily.

Both sat opposite to each other on the step of a tank.

The lady opened the conversation with Swathi. : “You’ve been so far like a shag on a rock. Hereafter, you won’t have to lead a solitary life as you are going to marry your student and live happily for ever. You’re going to settle your life with your life partner in Pattinam and very soon you will have your friend, Banu who you know very well. Never spurn the offer when Prasanth propose you. Accept his love and marry him. You will live comfortably.” Copyright 2016 - 2025