Alice turned to face Reese. He adjusted, moving his hand around her to her backside, pulling her half up onto his chest as he went to his back and stretched out his free arm.

Toying with his chest hair—another thing she loved about him—Alice said, “I was thinking how nice your hands are.”

“Mmm.” He traced the shape of one cheek, teasing her. “How nice my hands are when they’re on you?”

“I do love that.” Levering up to his chest, Alice gave him a long, serious look. “And I love waking up with you in the morning.”

He brought her down for a kiss. “I’m fond of that myself.”

“Before you, before this, I couldn’t imagine myself being this comfortable. I haven’t brushed my teeth, and I have to pee, and I know my hair is a mess.”

Reese grinned like a rascal. “Ditto on all the above.”

She smoothed down his short blond hair, now sticking up at odd angles. Her hand automatically went to his jaw, to the beard shadow that rasped against her fingers. “You are so natural about everything that when I’m with you, it feels...okay.”

He put both hands on her butt. “It?”

Life, love, the entire world. Alice sighed. “Everything, I guess.”

“You feel safe with me.”

Very safe. Even if he didn’t love her, she knew Reese would never purposely hurt her, and that he’d do everything in his power to protect her. “Yes.”

“I’m glad, but Alice, I don’t want you to get too comfortable.”

Her heart stuttered. “With you?”

Scowling, Reese did a sudden turn, and Alice found herself under him.

He put his mouth to hers for a quick, whiskery kiss. “With me, I always want you comfortable. Always. Do you understand?”

She didn’t, not really, but she said, “I think so.”

Still looking far too grim, he searched her gaze. “You need to continue being cautious, Alice. There are dangerous people out there—”

“There always are.”

“—who want to do you harm,” he stressed, overriding her objection. “You have to understand the reality of what you did. By interfering with—”


“—Cheryl, you drew their attention. They could be looking for you right now. Until they’re caught and their operation is shut down, you’re in danger.”

Today, she would not get distracted. Today, she would find the answers she needed.

Alice cupped his face. “Please, tell me, Reese. Does all this concern mean that you—”

A cell phone rang.

With a look of confusion, Reese turned his head toward the sound. “What is that?”

Like a dash of ice water, the sound of that particular ring froze Alice for a few seconds. Then she pushed at Reese’s shoulders. “Move. It’s my phone.”

“Your phone?” He gave her enough space to wriggle out from under him. “It doesn’t sound like—”

“My other phone.” Worried that she’d miss the call, Alice stretched from the bed until she got the nightstand drawer open. On the fourth ring she finally snatched up the cell. She was very aware of Reese going quiet beside her. “Hello?”

“Alice? It’s Cheryl. Y-you said I could call.”

Dread made her light-headed. Alice scrambled to sit up against the headboard, her breath stuck in her throat, her stomach cramping.

Beside her, Reese came alert. “What is it?”

She put a finger to her lips, cautioning him to be quiet. “Cheryl,” she said aloud, so Reese would know. “Is everything okay?”

Cheryl started to cry—and stammer. “Y-yes. Everything is...”

With her free hand to her mouth, Alice held her breath.

“...just p-peachy.”

Oh, God. Alice could hear her own heartbeat in her ears. “I see.” She didn’t dare look at Reese. If she did, she’d lose her concentration—and her nerve. “Then I’m glad you called.”

Cheryl gasped for air. “I’d love to—to see you.”

Think, Alice. Don’t waste precious time. Just react. She nodded to herself. “Are you back in the area?”

“I can b-be. Tonight?”

Alice chewed her bottom lip. “Does it have to be tonight?”

“I don’t know.”

Cheryl would surely prefer it be sooner rather than later, but rushing into this wouldn’t save her.

It would only put others at risk.

Reese sat up beside her, not touching her, but close enough to let her feel his concern.

“If it could wait until tomorrow evening, that would work for me.” And it would give Reese time to come up with a plan. Please, God, let him have a plan.

Reese stayed silent beside her, listening, waiting.

Trusting her.

“What do you say, Cheryl? Tomorrow evening?”

“I don’t... Let me check schedule.” Cheryl breathed heavily, then it sounded as if she muffled the phone. Finally, when Alice feared she wouldn’t come back, Cheryl said on a sob, “I’ll call you back.”

“No! Cheryl wait—” The call ended, and the silence seemed louder than a scream. Alice started shaking. “Oh, no. Oh, no, no.”

Reese took the phone from her hand, put it to his ear then closed it. “It was Cheryl?”

Numb, afraid that she’d just left Cheryl to a god-awful fate, she nodded. Copyright 2016 - 2024