“Okay, but hurry.”

He answered by accelerating. “You’re one of a kind, honey. Do you know that?”

Probably. Not many women had spent a year in captivity, forced to work for a monster. That experience had forever changed her, giving her a unique perspective on life. She knew what she wanted, and she’d go after it.

Reese might not realize it, but she wanted him.

For however long she had, she’d do what she could to win his heart.

And she’d start with Pepper’s plan...as soon as she worked up her nerve.

* * *

WOODY SIMPSON LEANED back on the brick wall of the college bookstore, eyeing the merchandise as it passed. Sophomore girls with explosive sexual appetites, a few young teachers flattered by his attention, a volleyball coach with strong legs.

He admired them all, but it was the timid freshman, her load of books hugged to her chest, her expression flustered, that drew him.

With Cheryl soon to be out of the picture, he needed a replacement to keep up with demand. The little babe with her insecurity and anxious hope would be easier to handle than the others. He watched her as she peered around the campus, a little lost, a lot vulnerable.


Pulling his hands from his pockets, Woody started toward her.

Sometimes it was too damn easy.

But in the back of his mind, he thought about a woman who might be more of a challenge. She’d certainly gotten the best of that dumbass Hickson.

His heart started tap-dancing in his chest. He wanted her. To tie up loose ends. To punish her.

To experience her—in every way he could think of.

To prove that no bitch would best him, ever.

Cheryl would lead Hickson to her.

And Hickson would deliver her to him.

Smile predatory, body hungry, Woody stepped aside—and “bumped” into the freshman. Her stack of heavy books went scattering.

“Oh, damn.” Catching her shoulders, Woody stared into her startled eyes. “I’m sorry. Are you okay?”

She stared up at him, stunned, breathless, her lips slowly parting.

And just like that, another one bit the dust.

* * *

OVER THE NEXT eight days, Alice and Reese fell into a wonderful routine.

A routine broken only by spontaneous lovemaking. Many mornings Reese woke aroused, which meant he woke her with kisses...everywhere. Twice he’d come home for lunch...which Alice now knew meant a sandwich that he practically swallowed whole and fast, hot sex that he deemed “a quickie.”

Every single night, regardless of how late he got in, he wanted her. In the shower. The kitchen. Her office. The bed.

They’d even ended up on the floor once.

Alice never objected.

She felt immersed in pleasure, her body in a constant state of tingling awareness. Fast or slow, in the bedroom or spread-eagle on her desk, the man knew how to send her over the edge. His stamina amazed her, but then, given his size and fitness, she should have realized he wouldn’t tire easily.

Most mornings before Reese left for work, he took Cash for a jog. It gave Alice an hour to herself, but even then, Reese kept a cell phone on him, and he never left without first gaining Alice’s promise that she’d lock the door behind him.

Cash loved it. As soon as he’d see Reese in his running shorts, he’d head over to the door and wait by his leash. Alice had coffee ready for Reese when he returned. After showering and getting dressed, he’d join her for breakfast at the table. Before heading off to the station, he always patted Cash, and he never forgot to kiss her goodbye.

It all seemed so domestic and so...enduring.

Cash felt it, too. In such a short time the dog had flourished. He no longer felt the need to stay right on top of them. They could actually leave the room without him following.

While Cash didn’t exactly pine for Reese when he left for work, he still went berserk when Reese got home again.

In no time, Alice not only caught up with her work, but she also took on a new client who designed and built children’s playground equipment. Of course, that made her think of kids, but she always snuffed the thought. Her relationship with Reese was still too new to start daydreaming about a family together.

Usually he got in by six. On those nights, they took turns cooking dinner and cleaning up afterward. But when circumstances dictated it, Reese could be out ’til well past dinner. A few nights ago, after a robbery at a local diner that left three people injured, he’d followed leads that kept him gone through half the night. In the end, he’d managed to catch the two men, and got beat up a little in the process. Nothing serious, but the bruising of a black eye lingered still.

As yet, they hadn’t found out anything about the murdered girl or Cheryl’s abductors. Reese and Logan shared a lot of private calls, and occasionally Rowdy stopped in for a hushed conversation.

Knowing Reese wanted to insulate her from his police work didn’t make it any easier to be excluded. Just as she tried not to worry, Alice also tried not to smother him with too many demands. Reese hadn’t asked anything more about Trace, so in return, she tried not to ask too many questions about the case.

It would all be easier if she knew Reese was falling in love with her. He was kind, caring, attentive and beyond sexual.

But did any of that equate to an emotional commitment?

Or did it just reiterate that he was a great guy?

So many times, she’d thought to implement Pepper’s plan. The idea of taking charge in bed, taking charge of  Reese, was incredibly tempting. She would love to have him so sexually excited that he shared his innermost thoughts.

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