Like a very satisfied man, Logan kept her tucked close, and he kissed her temple.

It surprised Alice to see Pepper in a sheepish, uncertain mood. It also made her heart flutter to think of attending a wedding with Reese. “You will be such a beautiful bride.” She tried not to grin too much. “And, yes, I’d be honored.”

“Perfect! One detail down, a hundred more to go.”

Rowdy checked his watch. “We’re going to be late if we don’t head in now.”

Logan agreed. “The lieutenant is not someone you want to keep waiting.”

Looking around as Reese led the way through the station, Alice tried not to remember the last time she’d been brought in by police.

Many aspects of this station were different, but the basics were the same. Reese wanted to stop by his desk, but as they neared it, he drew up short.


Sitting on a bench along the wall, Logan’s younger brother looked up. Clearly surprised at seeing the group, he did a double take and then came to his feet. “Hey, Logan, Reese.” His gaze moved past them to Pepper, Rowdy and Alice. “Having a party, huh?”

The joke, probably meant to deflect the attention, fell flat.

Alice noted that he’d spent some time in the sun recently, and though tanned, he now had added color in his cheekbones and along his straight nose.

Pepper noticed, too. “You went back to the lake?”

“No chance right now. We’ve been busy.” With Dash’s sun-streaked light brown hair and the same dark brown eyes, Alice could see the resemblance to Logan.

Dash rubbed a hand over his shoulder. “Worked alongside the crew today. We had a big foundation to pour, and the sun was brutal.”

Ah, so he was in construction. That made sense. Dash wasn’t as muscled as Reese—few were—but he had a lean, fit body, honed from physical activity.

He stood on a par with Rowdy, a little taller than Logan’s six feet, but not as tall as Reese.

My, Alice thought, seeing them all standing there together. They were an impressive lot, and more than a few female officers were giving them the eye.

Logan moved forward. “So, what are you doing here, Dash? Is something wrong?”

“Everything’s...fine.” There was a strangely awkward moment before Dash said, “I came to see you.”

“Then you should have gone by his house,” Reese told him. “He’s not back to work yet.”

“That’s right. Damn.” Dash ran a hand over his neck. “Like I said, it’s been crazy at work.”

Logan gave him a funny look.

“So...” Dash waffled. “If you’re not working, what are you doing here?”

“Something’s come up with Alice.” Logan gestured at her. “You remember Alice, right?”

“Sure.” He held out a hand. “Nice to see you again.”

Alice smiled at him, took his hand in a brief greeting, but anyone with eyes could see he had not come to call on Logan.

Especially when Logan asked, “So, what’s up?”


Logan shifted, rearranging the sling on his arm. “You came to see me?”

“Oh, yeah.” Putting his hands in his back pockets, Dash said, “I, ah...”

Alice heard her heels on the floor before the lieutenant came around the corner with a purposeful stride. She stalled when she saw them all together, did her own waffling, but then shot into professional mode.

She didn’t even look at Dash.

Well, well. Alice picked up the signs, but when she looked at Reese and Logan, it was as if neither of them had even noticed the tension in the air.

Rowdy seemed too antsy at being in a police station to pay attention to much beyond all the armed officers. She glanced at Pepper, but like Rowdy, Pepper spent her time gazing around uneasily.

The big wall clock showed they were only tardy by five minutes, but still Reese said, “Sorry we’re late.”

Her tone clipped, irritation clear, Lieutenant Peterson said, “It’s just as well since I had to attend a special meeting.”

“What special meeting?” Logan wanted to know.

The lieutenant’s speculative gaze landed on Alice. “I’ve been informed that we can talk about the possible connection of the tattooed girls, but the rest is off-limits.”

Oh, shoot. Alice knew only too well what that meant: Trace had put the kibosh on any further snooping that might lead to him.

Reese didn’t take the edict well. “What do you mean, off-limits?”

Alice almost winced.

Stepping closer so that no one else would overhear, the lieutenant said, “I mean that orders came down the chain of command. I was told in no uncertain terms to back off. Any and all discussions of her time as a kidnap victim are forbidden. Most especially any discussion concerning third-party vigilantes.”


LOGAN LOOKED STUNNED. “The hell you say.”

Reese started to speak, and Peterson said, “End of story, Detective.”

Reese knotted his hands. “How did anyone even know?”

“I have no idea.” Again Peterson looked at Alice. “Perhaps you should ask her?”

Both Logan and Reese turned to her with accusation. Shaking her head, Alice fought the urge to physically retreat. “I haven’t spoken to anyone.”

Pepper, Rowdy and Dash held silent. To Alice, it felt as if they’d all tried her and found her guilty. Copyright 2016 - 2024