But then, sounding like her usual reasonable, kind self, she said, “Why don’t I call you a cab, Nikki? You probably shouldn’t be driving.”

“No need.” A car swung into the parking lot, and a horn beeped. “My ride is here.”

Reese turned to see a young man put the car in Park. He opened his door and poked his head out. “Sorry I’m late,” he called to Nikki. “Traffic.”

Tilting in against Reese, Nikki whispered, “Second best, but tonight, I’ll take it.” And with that, she strutted to the car, much to the delighted anticipation of her date.

“I think she’s drunk,” Alice said on a sigh, “so I suppose I shouldn’t take umbrage.”

Given the stunt she’d pulled today, what she’d gotten involved in, umbrage over a pushy neighbor should have been the last thing on her mind. “I can see your ni**les.”

Alice looked down at herself with a distinct lack of concern. “I dressed in a hurry.”

Taking her arm in a gentle but firm hold, Reese started them toward the apartment. Cash trotted along behind, his trauma with Nikki temporarily forgotten.

He’d gotten them halfway up the stairs when Alice said, “I grabbed the first T-shirt and shorts I saw. No time for underwear.”

He tripped over his own feet.

“Besides,” Alice said, peeking up at him. “I was hoping I could talk you back to bed. No reason to get dressed for that.”

“Oh, no, you don’t.” Reese took the key from her and unlocked the door. “You will not distract me again. We have some serious talking to do.”

“About Nikki?”

Anger started boiling to the surface again. “No, not about Nikki.” After relocking the door, he went into the kitchen and fetched a treat for Cash. If this kept up, Cash would end up overweight. He’d have to get back to running—and maybe take Cash with him.

With the dog settled, Reese squared off with Alice.

She scowled up at him. “If I disappointed you, just say so.”


“In how I did—” she gestured “—you know, in bed.”

Reese stared at her, distracted after all.

“You don’t have to drag it out,” she said. “Just tell me what I should do differently.”

Reese shook his head to clear it. Oh, he was definitely disappointed. At her lack of trust, at her irresponsible disregard for safety.

At whatever illegal caper she’d blundered into.

“That was one hell of a turnaround, Alice. One minute we need to wait because you aren’t ready, and then suddenly you’re insisting we go straight to bed.”

Confusion showed in her big dark eyes. “My boldness displeased you?”

“Hell, no. I loved it.” He’d fallen for it hook, line and sinker, not a single suspicion aroused. “The sex was amazing. You are amazing.”

Pleasure flushed her face, and she beamed at him. “Thank you.”

“But you shouldn’t have used it against me.”

Going blank, she asked, “Used it...?”

Reese crossed his arms over his chest. “I talked with Rowdy.” The words fell like a sledgehammer between them.

A silent gasp parted Alice’s lips.

A sick churning of regret and maybe hurt brought Reese within an inch of her, towering above her, crowding her with his size. “And now I know why you suddenly had to have me.”


“YOU’RE DERANGED.” How in the world could Reese think anything had motivated her other than his awesome appeal?

His eyes widened a little at her insult.

Using both hands, she shoved him back a little. Or at least, she tried to. But since he was six and a half feet tall, every inch of him carved with strength, she only managed to surprise him.

“Look at you!” She cupped a hand at his jaw, rasped her thumb over his bristly beard stubble. Even that small touch set butterflies rioting inside her. Softer now, her voice an awed whisper, she said again, “Look at you.”


Disregarding the warning tone in his voice, she ran both hands over his broad chest, those sculpted biceps, down to his incredible abs—which tightened more beneath her gentle touch. “You want the truth, Reese? You want to know why I was suddenly so—” she couldn’t force the word horny out of her mouth, so she settled on “—ready?”

Green eyes narrowed again, showing his disagreeable mood. “The truth would be nice.”

No way could she miss that insinuation. She gasped so hard she nearly choked herself. “I have not lied to you!”

“Lies of omission count, Alice.” He settled both hands atop her shoulders, close to her throat. “And I have a feeling you’ve omitted a lot.”

She should probably feel threatened. She’d had some pretty awful experiences with big, powerful angry men. Reese was bigger and more powerful than most, and right now he was all but incandescent with anger.

But she didn’t feel fear.

Not ever with Reese.

That did scare her a little because it felt so incredibly right to lean on him, to rely on him. She’d worked long and hard to find her independence again, to regain her self-worth.

And now, all she could think about was Reese...and how she wanted to share it all with him.

Knowing she had to confess, she let out a breath—and wrapped her arms around him. “You’re right.”

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