Screw it.

Eventually he’d win her over. He’d uncover her reasons for refusing, and he’d figure out a way around her objections.

In the meantime, he eyed his other options. A slinky brunette caught his attention. Her slow smile and approving once-over issued a sensual invitation.

Yeah, it was a hell of a thing, but he was male through and through. He wanted Avery, would have been happiest with her company—but he wasn’t immune to a raunchy sexual offer. Not if it’d get him through the night.

He started to move toward the woman when his cell phone rang. He pulled it from his pocket and glanced at the number.


Blowing out a breath, Rowdy put his needs on hold and accepted the call. “Hey, Reese.”

“Rowdy. How’d it go today?”

Shit, shit, shit. Obviously Alice hadn’t come clean yet. If she had, Reese wouldn’t sound so congenial. Had Reese been delayed, or had Alice balked at sharing? “You’re with Alice now?”

“At the apartment, yes.”

Feeling his way, Rowdy asked, “What did she tell you?”

Reese let a beat of silence pass. “We didn’t do much talking before she...fell asleep.”

Asleep, huh? He checked his watch and saw that it wasn’t that late yet. Interesting. So the duty of a recap would fall to Rowdy.

Rubbing the back of his neck, he turned away from the brunette and moved to a quiet booth where no one could overhear him. “It’d be good if you were sitting down.”

Grim resolve sounded in Reese’s tone. “I’m outside with Cash.”

Away from Alice. Maybe that would be better. Reese would have a minute to collect himself before he confronted her. Alice personified frustration, but she had tender feelings. Rowdy wouldn’t want to see her hurt by angry words. “I suggest you brace yourself. It’s not good.”

A low curse, and then: “Tell me.”

Doing exactly that, Rowdy related all the details of Alice’s caper, leaving nothing out. With each word, Reese grew increasingly grave.

Rowdy understood. Ms. Alice Appleton had a knack for driving protective men insane.

When he finished the tale, Rowdy asked, “Are you going to wake her up for a chat?”

“As soon as Cash finds a spot suitable for his preferences.”

Picturing that helped Rowdy find a smile. “Your dog does like to smell every blade of grass.”


The impatience he heard was almost funny. “Good luck, Reese. I have a feeling you’re going to need it.”

“Go f**k yourself.” But then, being the fair sort, Reese added, “I appreciate this, Rowdy. All of it. If she’d been on her own today and something had happened—”

“She escaped unscathed.” How, Rowdy still didn’t know. Dumb luck, or...skill? “By the way, Alice is from the area. She was living here when she got kidnapped and moved back after she got away. I didn’t find out much, but apparently she was rescued by some mysterious vigilante with inconceivable connections.”

“It just gets better and better,” Reese growled.

“That’s all I have for now, but if I find out anything else, you’ll be the first to know.” After hanging up, Rowdy turned and found the brunette still waiting. She wouldn’t be a challenge.

She wasn’t Avery.

But she was better than sleeping alone on this disturbing night, with only his disquiet for company.

* * *

REESE STEWED IN turbulent silence. An early evening breeze blew over his face and bare chest, but it did little to cool his escalating temper.

What the hell had she been thinking?

Did he even know Alice? Did he know what she was capable of? How far she’d go?

What if she’d shot someone? Rowdy had said she’d been carrying her gun, but supposedly only Tasered the thug.

A f**king thug. Supposedly a man capable of coercing a woman. A woman Alice had “rescued.”

His eyes burned, and his heart punched against his ribs.

What if the guy had overpowered her? She could be locked in a room right now, at the mercy of a brutal goon, and how would Reese have found her?

He’d stupidly thought she was shopping! His biggest concern had been Pepper’s influence.

Cash finally came loping back, his tongue hanging out, his tail wagging. Anxious to talk to Alice, to say God-knew-what, Reese decided to head in. Somehow he’d get to the truth, all of it, every second of her past and whatever she had planned for the future.

He turned with a long stride—and almost collided with Nikki.

“Hey there, Reese.” Dressed in heels, a tight miniskirt and a halter, Nikki looked dressed to kill. Smiling at him, she flipped back her long blond hair.

“Evening.” He tried to keep walking.

She blocked his way. “I haven’t seen you jog lately.” She stared at his slacks. Or more specifically, the fly of his slacks.

“I’ve been busy.” He was busy now.

Moving closer, she touched his right biceps. Voice throaty, breath tinged with alcohol, she whispered, “It’s a nice night, isn’t it?”

With his current mood? No, it was a piss-poor night. “Pleasant enough.” Locking his jaw, Reese tried to step around her.

Cash came up alongside him, sniffed at the hem of Nikki’s skirt, and she reacted as if a skunk climbed her leg. “Oh, my God, shoo! Get away.” She swatted at the dog’s face. Yelping, Cash cowered away in fear. Copyright 2016 - 2024