“Oh, God.” She moved with him, her head back, eyes closed. “Reese. That’s... I’m...”

It was a wonderful thing to render Alice Appleton speechless.

Keeping up the rhythm of his thumb, Reese moved to her other breast, drawing on her easily, gently, curling his tongue around her. Her scent intensified; the sweetness of her skin and hair, the hotter musk of her arousal.

“This,” he told Alice, moving his tongue over her nipple, “would feel even better between your legs.”

Taking him by surprise, she arched up, her mouth open on a silent cry, her eyes squeezed tight. Locking her hands in his hair, she held him there, her hips writhing, her wetness bathing his fingers as she came.

It was so hot, so unexpected that Reese knew he was a goner. The second she uncoiled and her tension seeped away, he sat up and grabbed for his wallet. Hands shaking, he opened a condom and rolled it on.

But when he looked back at Alice, he caught her dazed smile, and he had to kiss her again. Then once more. “You are incredible.”

“I am limp.”

He carried her hand down to his cock, wrapped her fingers around him. Heat washed over him. “Limp is okay,” he promised in a low growl, “as long as you’re still with me.”

“I’m very much with you,” she purred back, stroking him once, twice. Her thumb brushed up and over him, and he shuddered clean down to his toes.

Pulling her hand away again, he moved over her. “Next time,” he promised her roughly, “I’ll be a little less voracious.” He settled between her legs, using a knee to open her even more.

“I hope not.” Holding his face, looking into his eyes, she wrapped her legs around him.

He saw so much emotion in her gaze, both wonder and excitement, that it should have made him uneasy.

It didn’t, not with Alice.

“You like me a little lost, is that it?” He positioned himself, her creamy wetness bathing the head. Hot. Slippery. How the hell could he still form a coherent thought?

“I think,” Alice whispered, going serious, “that I like you any way I can have you.”

That did it. He kissed her hard—and thrust in.

It was a tight fit. Always. But with Alice being so small and delicate...he thought he might die from the exquisite pleasure of her squeezing around him.

She’d gone still beneath him, breath suspended, her nails again leaving half-moons in his shoulders.

He knew she needed a minute—a minute he didn’t have. He braced on his forearms, jaw clenched, shoulders bunching as he fought for control. Tension squeezed around him like a vise, and he knew he’d break at any second.


Her tiny voice pained him; he held himself as immobile as he could, but no way could he reply.

Her puffing breaths met his lips. She shifted a little, probably trying to accommodate him but only inciting him more.

It felt as if lust boiled inside him, churning, rising.

“Reese?” she whispered again, this time with a question. He heard her swallow, felt her deliberately ease. She let out a long, broken breath. “Reese.”

Well, now, that sounded different.

He met her dark, smoldering gaze, saw her face flushed with need—and realized that she was with him after all.

He withdrew slowly, watching her, fascinated with her shuddering reaction. He knew he stretched her, that as he slowly sank back in she felt a measure of discomfort.

It was there in her halting breath. In the way she arched and tensed. How her lips parted and her thighs strained against him.

But he saw the rising pleasure, too.

God, she was amazing.

Keeping the rhythm slow but steady, he kissed her jaw, the corner of her mouth. With one hand, he reached beneath her hips, positioning her just enough that each penetration stroked along her clitoris—making her wetter, hotter.

Anticipation showed in her heavy-lidded gaze as she touched his shoulders, his chest—and finally locked eyes with him.

Wondering if he’d ever tire of having Alice watch him in just that way, he drove deeper, rocking them both, wringing a small cry from her.

He went still deep inside her. “Okay?”

She licked her lips and nodded. “Again...ah...”

Reese felt her pulsing around him.

“Again, please.”

The break in her voice told him that she was close to another climax, and suddenly he wanted that more than he wanted his own release. Leaning into her, Reese moved harder, faster, heat pouring off him, her scent and her escalating cries filling his head.

Suddenly she clenched, her slim body bowing hard on a deep, throaty groan.

Reese could literally feel her tighten around his cock, feel the milking spasms of her climax. The sounds she made, raw and real and exciting, pushed him right over the edge.

He gathered her close, put his face in her neck and ground out his own release.

* * *

AN INDETERMINATE AMOUNT of time later, Reese awoke, aware of Cash snuffling against the bottom of the closed door. Still sluggish both in body and mind, he lifted his head and looked at Alice.

She rested on the bed beside him, not curled close as was usually the case with women, but sprawled out, exhausted, limp.

Naked head to toe.

The covers completely off the bed.

Tumbled around her face, resembling a halo, her soft brown hair reflected the muted light of sundown through the open window.

But sweet as she might be, Alice was far from angelic.

Thank God.

Now without that haze of blinding lust, Reese studied her body. Slim, pale. Intrinsically female.

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