It made Reese smile, how she stared fixedly at his chest, not his face. “It’s fine. I’ll be back to work Monday.” How could she expect him to keep his hands to himself, to give her the time she’d requested, when she showed such naked hunger? “You’ve seen my chest before, honey.”

She nodded and whispered, “You take my breath away.”

With a final pat for Cash, he stood again—and shrugged the shirt off. “Is that so?” He tossed it over the back of the couch.

“Yes.” Alice drifted her attention over him. “It’s the same as you seeing me without a shirt.”

“Not even close.” But damn, he couldn’t wait.

Her heated examination dipped down to his abs, and then snagged on his fly.

The way Alice looked at him was almost as good as a stroke.  Almost.

“Alice,” he all but groaned. “Up here, please.”

She dragged her focus back to his face.

“I need to take Cash out. Change out of these clothes into something more comfortable.” And cooler. “And I could use something to eat. I haven’t had dinner yet and I’m—”

“I’m sorry.” Visibly trying to rein herself in, she nodded. “I didn’t mean to—”

“Don’t apologize.” Not for wanting him. “I like the way you welcome me home.” And damn it, with Alice there, he knew any place would feel like home.

Flustered, avoiding his gaze, she said, “Cash just came back in.” She sidestepped to the kitchen doorway. “I skipped dinner, too. But I can fix you a sandwich while you change—”

“Or you can tell me what you really want.” To hell with food or changing into shorts; he’d prefer to be naked with Alice.

She shot back around to face him, her expression...eager. “Could I?”

Heat rolled through him. “Absolutely. I have the evening free, so I’m all yours.” Slowly, remembering her in that white nightgown, how her small body curled into his through the night, Reese approached her. “I don’t want to rush you. We can go slow.” Torture. “But I know you enjoy kissing me.”

“I really do,” she said with feeling.

Lust deepened his voice. “You enjoyed sleeping beside me, too. I know you need more time, but how about we do those things again—together this time.”

“ bed?”

God, he hoped she was willing. “Sounds good to me.” He touched the side of her face, slipped his fingers into her hair—and realized it was somehow different, the adjustment subtle but still evident. “You changed it?”

Big brown eyes dark with desire gazed at his mouth. “It?”

“Your hair.”

“Yes.” Her hands trailed over his shoulders, his pecs, back up again. “My hair,” she murmured, as if she had no clue what they were talking about.

Half smiling, finding her so endearing in her sensual distraction, Reese cradled her head in his palm, stepped closer to breathe her in. “I like it.”


With a hand opened on the small of her back, he urged her body into fuller contact with his. No way would she miss his erection, but he didn’t care. “Hmm?”

Cuddling her hips against him, she whispered, “I don’t want to wait anymore.”

Reese closed his eyes, fighting the urge to take her to the floor right now. That little catch in her voice almost did him in.

When had he ever suffered this level of lust? Never. Only with Alice.

He did not want to rush through this first time with her.

“Do you suppose Cash is distracted enough?” Once he got her in bed, he wanted to give her all his considerable concentration—and he wanted to make it very good for her, so good that she’d want many repeat performances.

“I’ll give him another treat.” Alice rushed off before Reese could stop her, came back with two treats, and after a quick pat to Cash’s head, presented him with the gifts.

The dog’s ears went up, and his eyes gleamed with gluttony.

“There.” Standing again, expression expectant, Alice faced him. She bit her bottom lip, shifted her stance. “Should we go to the bedroom?”

Reese didn’t understand the sudden turnaround, but he wasn’t about to question it. “If that’s what you want.”

“I do.” She snagged his hand and hauled him down the hallway at a near trot. “I thought about you all day, in between shopping and manicures and talking with Pepper.”

She rushed them into her bedroom.

Closing the door, Reese turned her to face him. “You enjoyed yourself?”


“With Pepper.” He assumed all women enjoyed shopping, but Alice was unlike any woman he’d ever known.

Her face went bright red. “How was your day?”

Interesting reaction. Had she posed her own question to keep from answering his? “Just fine.”

“Good.” She looked away.

Had Pepper said something to upset her? God knew the woman could be pushy—

Alice reached for his belt. “Let’s chitchat later.”

Talk about pushy. It wasn’t like Alice to be so assertive. He couldn’t help but wonder what had brought about the change.

Catching her hands, Reese said softly, “Slow down, honey. I’ve been waiting for this forever—”

“We haven’t known each other that long.” Copyright 2016 - 2024