“But she has stopped.”

It gave Reese great satisfaction to confirm it. “I’ll be staying with her a few days while they clean my apartment.”

“Bragging? Hell, Reese, you may as well use a branding iron on her.” Thunder rumbled, announcing a threat of storms to come. “Calm it down a little, why don’t you.”

Advice from another man, a man who’d just been in Alice’s apartment, didn’t go down smooth. “What’s your interest?”

“Hell, I don’t know.” Rowdy leaned over to pluck a dandelion. “There’s something about her. It’s like she’s guarded. Even hurt. Unlike most people, she’s too alert, too intuitive, like maybe she’s waiting for something to happen.”

“Something bad.”

“Yeah. And the way she rolled with that shit yesterday? A dead body doesn’t shake her. And the stuff she says, how she says it...”

“I know.” It unnerved Reese, as well, and made him determined to shield her.

“I want to find out what happened to cause her to be that way.”

Reese wanted the same. “I’ll handle it.”

“So will I.” Rowdy tossed aside the weed. “Don’t start huffing, Reese. It doesn’t suit you. Sarcasm, sharp wit, that’s more your speed.”

Reese held silent, not a single bit of sharp wit coming to mind.

“You know I can find out things you can’t. No, not by grilling Alice. I won’t do that to her.” When the stiffening breeze blew his hair, Rowdy shoved it back with both hands. “Hell, if I tried, she’d probably put me through the inquisition, all while showering me with concern.”

Interesting. “That’s what she did?”

“Totally threw me. Not even my sister tries that hard to get in my head.” He narrowed his eyes at Reese. “She treated me like some damned abused mutt she wanted to heal.”

As Reese knew, Rowdy had plenty of demons to deal with. He and Pepper had not had easy lives. Apparently, Alice saw it, too.

But was that her only interest in Rowdy?

“What did you tell her?”

“I denied everything.” The baring of Rowdy’s teeth didn’t come close to resembling a smile. “Something’s up with her, and we both know it. My guess is that you’ve already made plans to check into it, but your legal channels are limited.”

“Duly noted.” Sticking to legal channels had almost gotten him and his friends killed, in his own damned apartment.

Rowdy eyed him. “Give it a rest, Reese. That wasn’t your fault. No one blames you.” He stared toward the dog, now digging at a root. “I’m glad it’s over.”

But it wasn’t, not yet. One scumbag might’ve died, but others remained. The tentacles of evil reached far and wide. “You know, I figured you’d be Lieutenant Peterson’s problem right about now. Yesterday we rounded up parts of the human trafficking ring, but there are more connections, others to pull out of hiding.”

“And you thought I’d be following leads?” He examined a few raindrops that landed on his forearm. “Now, Reese, would I ignore a direct order from your lieutenant to stay out of that?”

Yeah, he absolutely would. Where innocent women were concerned, few men could stand aside and do nothing. A man like Rowdy? No way would he stay uninvolved.

“If you trip up,” Reese said, “Peterson will have your head.”

“My head and my balls—at least that’s what she told me.”

They shared a quick smile before Rowdy sobered again.

“One advantage to living under the radar is that I made contacts on the street. And before you say it, yes, I know how to ask around without drawing too much attention. There won’t be any blowback for Alice.”

“If she’s not from around here, you won’t find jack shit.” Rowdy had cultivated many friends in high and low places, but he didn’t have unlimited boundaries.

“True enough. The thing is, I’m more concerned with any remaining threat against her. If she has legitimate reason to worry, I’ll be able to find out.”

Reese hated to have another man poking into Alice’s business. Yet he knew it was true; Rowdy did have connections that might elude the law.

And if she was only skittish thanks to a traumatic past? Well, then, he’d deal with it. “Report to me.”

“I don’t report to anyone.”

Temper spiking, Reese stood his ground. “Maybe now is a good time for you to start.”

Static collected in the air as Rowdy continued to study Reese, until finally he flashed a genuine grin. “Yeah, all right. Don’t implode. I just wanted to test the water.”

“Keep out of the water.”

Laughing again, Rowdy clapped him on the shoulder. Hard. “If I find out anything, I’ll clue you in. You’ll do the same?”

Damn it, he didn’t want to. But maybe an alliance with Rowdy would be a good thing. He could think of him as a snitch, utilize his talents in different ways....

“We’re on the same side in this, Reese. She’s a hell of an actress, and she’s putting up a brave front, but she’s scared. I want to know why, you want to know why, and we both want to ensure that no matter what it is, it never touches her again.”

Reese watched as Cash rolled to his back in a patch of clover. “All right. I’ll tell you what I know so far. But understand this, Rowdy. She’s off-limits.”

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