He enjoyed sexual variety.

Eventually he and Avery would get together—because he knew the chemistry was there—but she needed to understand that it was sex, and only sex. Not a commitment. Not an invitation for more.

No matter how much she intrigued him.

“Rowdy...” While straddling his lap, DeeDee rose to her knees. And right there in the bar, wedged into a booth, she tried to open his jeans.

Time to make a strategic retreat.

Rowdy caught her hands. “Hang on, honey. I’ll be right  back.” Fucking Reese, running late.

He’d gotten the text from Trace that they were on their way, but another two minutes and DeeDee would molest him.

He bodily lifted her to the side, ignoring her pouts and the way she stroked his junk as he slid out of the booth seat. “Don’t move.”

“Hurry,” she said.

Suddenly in a killing mood, Rowdy strode over to where Dougie and Hickson shared a booth. He wouldn’t hurt a woman, even one as revolting as DeeDee, so he needed to find another outlet.

When he stopped beside them, both men looked up in mingled surprise and suspicion.

Itching for a little violence, Rowdy said to Dougie, “You’re fired.”

“What?” Dougie gave an incredulous laugh. “Who the hell are you?”

Rowdy took great pleasure in introducing himself. “I bought the bar. And since I’m not a scum-sucking bottom feeder—” not  anymore “—I don’t want your ilk hanging around. You’re through here. Collect your shit and get out.”

Dougie and Hickson shared a look.

“I didn’t hear anything about a new owner.”

“No? Guess that tells you just how important you are, doesn’t it?”

Dougie clenched all over.

Try it, Rowdy thought. Please.

“You son of a bitch,” Dougie exploded, shoving himself upright—and right into Rowdy’s fist. The blow took him out, and Dougie slumped back into his seat, then slid off the booth to the floor.

“Huh,” Rowdy said. “He’s not only a drug-dealing worm, he has a glass jaw.”

Cheryl gasped, curling tighter to the wall.

“But you,” Rowdy said, turning his anger on Hickson, “are even worse. You’re a coward who abuses women, a cockroach who needs to be smashed.”

Half rising from his seat, Hickson said, “Now wait a goddamn minute—”

Catching Hickson by the back of his neck, Rowdy slammed his face into the thick booth top. Cartilage crunched and blood spilled. With Hickson dazed, he looked at Cheryl. “You okay?”

Frozen, she said nothing, didn’t move or breathe or blink.

Rowdy tried to work up a gentle smile. “You’ll be fine, I promise.”

No reaction.

“Alice sent me.”

She deflated on a whoosh. “Oh, thank God.” Big tears filled her eyes.

Behind him, DeeDee tried to slink out. Rowdy glanced at her over his shoulder, pinning her in place with his gaze. “Word of warning, honey. You don’t wanna make me chase you.” In his current mood, seeing the fear in Cheryl’s eyes, he just might discount DeeDee’s gender.

Hand to her throat, DeeDee paused.

Finally, Reese came in the front door, Trace from the back. Around the bar, several men separated from the crowd; Reese’s men, now ready to assist.

Rowdy pulled Hickson out of his seat. “Here’s one,” he said to Reese, practically tossing the man to him. “There’s another under the booth,” he told Trace.

Nodding, Trace started forward.

Rowdy turned his attention to DeeDee. “It’s over.”

Realizing she’d been busted, DeeDee back-stepped, at first uncertainly, but then faster and faster, and suddenly she turned to flee.

She plowed right into Avery, and both women went down.

Shit. Rowdy reached them in less than a second and hauled DeeDee to her feet. One of Reese’s buddies took her off his hands. Kneeling by Avery, who looked stunned, he said, “Hey.” He pulled her into a sitting position. “You okay?”

She held her head in both hands. “It was a sting?”

“That’s right.” Rowdy brushed some dirt off her shoulder, then smoothed down her hair.

“You and DeeDee...?”

Despite what he’d told himself, Rowdy relished the opportunity to set her straight. “Just part of the setup.”

Instead of relief, she looked...distraught. “So, did you actually buy the bar or not?”

“I bought it.”

Now he saw relief—though she quickly hid it behind a frown. Avoiding his gaze, she said, “Good. I was already counting on my raise as bartender.”

Coming to his feet along with her, Rowdy grinned. “Then get to it. Since I just fired Dougie, you can start right now.”

* * *

IT WAS DAMN near dawn when Reese got home to Alice. He should have been dead on his feet, but instead he felt energized. He’d called Alice as soon as he could, letting her know that Cheryl was shaken up, but unharmed. This time, she was more than willing to talk to the police, to ensure that Hickson and Woody Simpson got what they deserved.

Knowing what awaited him, Reese bounded up the steps and down the hall to the apartment. As he stepped inside, the first rays of sunlight slanted through the patio doors.

Logan had already picked up Pepper. Dash was crashed in a chair, staring blindly at the TV. But when the door opened, he sat forward and pulled on his shoes.

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