“Jesus,” Reese growled. “I’m a cop, it’s what we do.”

“You saved Cash.” Alice leaned against him. “That had nothing to do with being a cop.”

“That had to do with being a human being.” And not once had Reese regretted that decision, not even when Cash had eaten a shoe or marked the entire apartment as his territory.

In fact, given how Alice had bonded with the dog, he was more grateful than ever that he’d been the one to find Cash that day.

Unable to keep his hands off her, and feeling more possessive than any contemporary man should, Reese brought Alice around to his lap.

Wearing a comical look of surprise, stiff instead of relaxed, she perched on his thigh.

Trace took in the two of them with understanding. “Unfortunately, the situation is that the station still has a few bad cops running loose. Your lieutenant is doing a great job, but she’s one person, and she can’t do it alone.”

“Meaning what?” Reese asked.

“I’m going to lend her a hand with that. I have better resources for exposing the frauds. Soon, I’ll present her with a file of names and evidence.” Trace didn’t wait for any objections. “In the meantime, I’d like to help out with Alice, too.”

Well, Reese thought, he had wanted the National Guard. But maybe one ultra-elite, super secretive wraith would do. “What do you suggest?”

As soon as he gave the implied agreement, Alice turned to him with joy. She smiled as if they weren’t in the middle of a complete and total cluster f**k. “You trust him?” she asked.

Reese cupped her cheek, and gave her a solid truth. “I trust you.”

“And you,” Trace said to Alice, “trust me.” He nodded at Rowdy and Dash. “Apparently them, as well.”

“Oh, and Logan,” she said quickly, while still gifting Reese with that pretty smile. “They’re all wonderful.”

Trace did his own smiling. “I’m glad.”

And damn it, now Reese even felt like smiling.

“It’s more complicated than just dealing drugs, and, like it or not, Alice is in it up to her neck.” All business now, Trace pushed to his feet. “Protest it all you want, but facts are facts. I can handle it—”

His arms going tight around Alice, Reese stood, too. “Hell, no.”

Without missing a beat, Trace said, “Or you can handle it.” His gaze never wavered. “That is, if you think you’re up to it.”

“I’m up.”

Amused by that, Trace glanced at Alice before fixing his golden gaze back on Reese. “Of course, you did get yourself handcuffed to a bed.”

Grinding his molars together, Reese eased Alice to the side and took a more aggressive stance. Trace would not push him aside, not in this.

Not with Alice.

Then Trace added, “Something similar once happened to me. Except my pants were down and a depraved bitch planned to molest me.”

Dash whispered, “No shit?”

Rowdy sat forward. “So, what did you do?”

Lifting a brow in question, Trace said, “Do?”

“About having your pants around your ankles.”

As if that were a fond memory, he smiled. “A woman saved me. Thanks to her, I was able to regain the upper hand.” He looked at Reese. “She’s now my wife.”

Reese had a disturbing idea of where this little dance down memory lane might be going. “Is there a point to this story?”

“You need to let Alice help.”

Doing his best to hide all emotion, Reese said simply but unequivocally, “No.”

Trace ignored the denial. “This needs to be wrapped up. All of it.”

“You think I needed you to tell me that?”

“No, but apparently you need me to tell you that Alice has to be there.”

“Not happening.”

“I can ensure her safety.”


Undaunted, Trace said more firmly, “Alice has to be available to meet Cheryl. That’s the only way you’ll get everyone.” His voice gentled. “And you already know it.”

Alice cupped Reese’s face, her smile reassuring, her gaze imploring. “I can do this, Reese. I promise.”

Reese knew he had little choice, but that didn’t mean he liked it. He pulled her into his chest, crushed her close and muttered, “Fuck.”

“Believe me,” Trace said, “I understand and I sympathize. If there was any other way...”

“I know.” Reese slowly blew out a breath and reached for distant control. “Okay.”

They were still finalizing plans when Cheryl called and requested to meet Alice...at the same time that Rowdy would be meeting DeeDee.

Distract, divide and overwhelm. But Reese knew how he felt, and he knew Alice’s determination. He saw the resolve on Rowdy’s face, and the confidence in Trace’s stance.

They would do this, but they’d do it Reese’s way. And once it was over, he’d bind Alice to him for good.


ROWDY SHOWED UP an hour early in an old Falcon he’d bought for less than two hundred dollars. The car looked and sounded like a junker—that’s how Rowdy liked it. Overall, it was reliable transportation and got him where he wanted to go. No one would trace it back to him.

Best of all, the truck was sturdy and locked securely.

He parked toward the back of the bar, out of the reach of a weak security light.

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