She had to wait longer than she anticipated, for she found that "El

Diablo Cojuelo" had left his stronghold. Failing to make herself

understood, Dolores fetched an old man who looked like a comic opera

pirate and who could speak a little English.

"El bueno maestro--the boss--he go away sun-up but will come back

pretty-dam-quick, yes, I think," the man explained, with many bows and

smiles. Actually it was not English he spoke but a queer mixture of

Spanish and American. "The boss Cojuelo, he makka the business with

the Ingles at El Castillo de Ruiz. You no need to have the fear,

señorita. You alla right, yes, sure aqui. I spik the Ingles all

right--yes? Vos comprender? Bein! The boss, the maestro, he come

back all right, señorita. Yes, allaright, tank you ver' much, please!"

Left alone in the outer room, Myra walked up and down restlessly,

wondering why he had gone back to the Castillo de Ruiz. The idea of

attempting to escape occurred to her, and, after satisfying herself she

was not being watched, she went to the cunningly-contrived door which

seemed to be part of the wall of rock.

It was difficult enough to determine which part of the wall was the

door, and when she did discover the seam that indicated it, Myra could

find no lock, lever or spring to open the portal.

Baffled, she wandered through the maze of rocky passages, and

encountered Madre Dolores, who, realising that she was on a sort of

tour of exploration, showed her various cell-like apartments, gabbling

away volubly but unintelligibly all the while, before conducting her to

a great cave at the end of the labyrinth, a cave in which there were

mules and asses tethered to rings fixed into the walls, and men of all

ages and in all sorts of garb were taking their ease, smoking, drinking

and playing cards or throwing dice.

At sight of Myra all the men who were awake rose and bowed

respectfully, and the old brigand who could speak some English-American

lingo stepped forward.

"Salve, señorita!" he exclaimed. "We give the welcomes and salutations

to our reina, the consort of our boss El Diablo Cojuelo."

Myra turned and fled in confusion, blushing hotly, and found her way

back to the other big apartment. She had no watch and no means of

judging the passage of time, since no daylight could be seen, but she

guessed it must be evening when Madre Dolores served a third meal.

She was toying with the food that had been set before her when she

heard a sharp click, the secret door swung open, and a hooded figure

stepped into the room. Copyright 2016 - 2024