"So, if I understand you aright, you are a sort of benevolent brigand,

doing good without much risk or expense to yourself?" remarked Myra.

"A sort of modern Claude Duval--although he was a highway-man and not a


"It pleases you to be ironic, Myra," responded Don Carlos. "Expense

does not concern me, for I am very wealthy, but it pleases me to

deprive the blood-suckers of their ill-gotten gains. As for the risk,

I suggest you underestimate it. There is a price on the head of El

Diablo Cojuelo, as I have mentioned, and the military have orders to

shoot at sight. Apart from that, however, if my identity were

betrayed, my wealth and position would not save me from being cast into

prison. I might even be condemned to death."

"How amusing!" commented Myra, still inclined to be scornful. "What

you say may be true, but it does not explain or excuse your conduct in

bringing me here as your captive. I was your guest, and therefore you

were responsible for my safety."

"I warned you that El Diablo Cojuelo might carry you off and teach you

how to love," answered Don Carlos, his grave face illuminated by a

boyish, impish smile.

"Oh, don't talk nonsense!" exclaimed Myra impatiently. "You cannot

excuse your conduct. I haven't been robbing the poor or anything of

the sort, and if you attempt to keep me here there will be trouble.

Tony will move heaven and earth to find me."

"I could excuse myself, if excuses were necessary, by explaining that I

have captured girls before to save them from marrying men they did not

love," said Don Carlos. "El Diablo Cojuelo fell in love with you at

first sight, and will prevent you from marrying the man to whom you are

betrothed but do not love."

"Don Carlos, please be sensible," pleaded Myra, at heart a little

fearful now. "Don't you realise that this escapade may have serious

consequences for you? Tony is sure to communicate with the British

Ambassador, and the affair may become one of international importance.

The best thing you can do is to take me back to-morrow morning, and

explain that the whole affair was an elaborately-planned practical


"I am quite agreeable to do that, Myra, provided you promise to marry

me and confess that you love me," said Don Carlos. "We can explain

that we succeeded in escaping from the clutches of El Diablo Cojuelo,

or, if you prefer it, you can tell Mr. Antony Standish that I rescued

you, and you have fallen in love with your rescuer."

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