He strode forward to the table and touched a bell, and almost

immediately an ancient woman with a wrinkled monkey-like, nut-brown

face, tanned by wind and weather, appeared through an opening concealed

by a curtain in the further wall. She was obviously of great age, but

her eyes were bright and sparkling with intelligence, and she was

active in her movements.

"This is Mother Dolores, who will attend you," Cojuelo explained, after

giving the woman some instructions in her native tongue. "She has a

change of clothing and refreshments in readiness for you. I will leave

you in her charge while I attend to the disposal of my other captives."

He disappeared through the aperture in the wall, and Mother Dolores,

after inspecting Myra appraisingly and admiringly, gabbling away in

Spanish idioma meanwhile, indicated to the fair prisoner that she

wished her to accompany her.

She led the way through a regular maze of crooked passages, and Myra

saw that Cojuelo's mountain lair was a strange freak of nature,

probably the result of a volcanic upheaval or an earthquake in some

prehistoric age. It was a series of caves connected with fissures, a

sort of irregular honeycomb of rock.

"Apartiamento--dormitorio," were the only words Myra understood of the

flood Dolores let loose as she ushered her into one of the cave-rooms,

and by pantomime indicated that she wished Myra to undress.

The rocky walls of the cave-bedroom were hidden beneath hangings of

moire silk, the floor was thickly carpeted, and the place was equipped

with an oak bedstead and some small pieces of roughly-constructed

furniture. But what made Myra gasp in amazement was to see her own

silk dressing-gown and the nightie she had worn the night before lying

on the eiderdown bedspread, together with other garments, while on the

primitive dressing-table stood her dressing-case.

"Incredible!" she exclaimed. "These things were in my bed-room at the

Castillo de Ruiz only an hour or two ago!"

"Si, si, señorita, El Castillo de Ruiz," said Dolores, nodding her head

and showing her toothless gums in a grin. "Maravilloso! Etra vez el

bueno maestro Cojuelo."

"Cojuelo boasted that all the servants of Don Carlos are in his pay,

and it must be true," thought Myra. "These things must have been taken

from my room before the raid, and the servants probably knew El Diablo

Cojuelo was going to kidnap me.... Surely I have nothing to fear from

a man who takes such trouble to ensure that I shall be comfortable?

And yet..."

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