Expectant, and a trifle apprehensive, Myra awaited events. Nothing

happened. A week elapsed without her seeing, or hearing from, Don

Carlos, and when she made inquiries about him she learned from Tony

that he had returned to Spain.

"Said he had some business matters to attend to, and wanted to arrange

for our entertainment at his place out there," explained Tony. "He

promised to be back in time to join the yacht at Southampton."

Myra was piqued. It hurt her pride to think she had not made a

conquest after all, and had merely been flattering herself in imagining

she had made Don Carlos fall in love with her.

"What a fool I feel!" soliloquised Myra. "I was confident he was in

desperate earnest and was crazy about me, and I have been wondering how

to resist and repel him. He shows how little he cares by going off to

Spain without even calling to say good-bye, and with never a farewell

note. Oh, what an exasperating creature!"

Another ten days passed uneventfully, and Myra found herself oddly

discontented with life and things in general. It was a dismal November

afternoon, she had no engagements, and was feeling utterly bored as she

took tea alone in the drawing room of her aunt's house in Mayfair,

when, to her astonishment, Don Carlos de Ruiz was announced. Her heart

gave a convulsive leap at the mere mention of his name, and it was

throbbing faster than its wont as she rose to greet him, although she

assumed an attitude of cool indifference.

"Sure, and it's seriously annoyed with you, I am, Don Carlos, and you

needn't expect me to say I'm glad to see you," she said in her musical

Irish voice as she gave him her hand. "How very rude of you to

disappear without even a word of farewell. Rude, did I say? Perhaps

crude would be a better word. How rude and crude to dash back to Spain

to attend to some matter of business when you had been trying to

pretend to be hopelessly in love."

"Not 'hopelessly,' Myra," Don Carlos responded quietly, raising her

fingers to his lips. "Never have I been 'hopelessly' in love, for

always I have been sure at heart that I should win.... So you have

missed me, darling, and now your heart is throbbing because I have come

back to you? I am glad. I went away without a word in the hope that

by so doing I should punish you for your cruelty in tempting and

tantalising me as you did at Auchinleven."

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