"Er--I say, old chap, I--I hope you are not going to take this too much

to heart," remarked Tony, again feeling puzzled and uncomfortable. "If

only Myra understands and appreciates what your love-making meant----"

"I shall be happy--provided she responds in the way I desire," broke in

Don Carlos, swinging round suddenly from the window, his face lighting

up into a smile again. "Of course, if Miss Rostrevor is afraid of me,

or if you are afraid I shall take her from you and desire to cancel

your invitation on that account, I----"

"There isn't any question of that, Don Carlos," Tony interrupted in

turn. "At least, I--er--I don't think Myra is afraid of you. I fancy

she has merely misunderstood your intentions."

"I should not have imagined that to be possible," said Don Carlos.

"However, when I have discussed the situation with the charming lady,

perhaps she will decide to allow me to be a guest at Auchinleven. I

warn you, my dear Standish, that I shall not promise to refrain from

making love to her, and will continue to try to win her heart. I think

I can take the risk of your challenging me to mortal combat."

He looked with a challenging smile at Tony, who laughed, imagining that

he was making a jest of the whole affair.

"I hardly fancy it will be a case of 'pistols for two; coffee for

one,'" Tony said; "and I feel sure you will be able to make peace with

Myra. As a matter of fact, Don Carlos, I am beginning to wonder now if

Myra has been pulling my leg. She has played jokes on me more than

once before and made me feel rather an ass."

"Perhaps on this occasion the charming lady is playing a joke on both

of us," suggested Don Carlos lightly. "Let us drink a toast to her

together, although we are such deadly rivals."

He slid the decanter across the table invitingly, and Tony helped

himself to a drink, still imagining that Don Carlos was jesting, and

deciding that Myra had again made him feel "rather an ass."

"Cheerio!" he drawled, raising his glass after Don Carlos had poured

himself a drink. "All the best!"

"The toast is Miss Myra Rostrevor, the loveliest and most adorable girl

in the world, and may her lover get his heart's desire," cried Don

Carlos gaily, and drained his glass.

"Thanks awfully!" said Tony. "It's frightfully good of you, my dear

chap, not to take offence, and I feel sure you will be able to win Myra


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