He rushed off, full of righteous indignation but still feeling he was

in a "frightfully awkward position," to interview Don Carlos, whom he

found wearing a silken dressing gown and stretched out luxuriously

among cushions on a settee in his suite at the Ritz.

"My dear Standish, how good of you to return my call so soon!" cried

Don Carlos, rising with a welcoming smile as Tony was shown in. "I am

truly delighted to see you. You know what a pleasure is an unexpected

visit from a friend when one is feeling bored. Sit down and make

yourself comfortable, my dear Standish, and let me mix you a drink."

"Er--no, thank you," said Standish, disarmed to some extent at the

outset, for he felt it would be boorish and "bad form" to have a row

with a man who seemed to hold him in high regard. "No, I won't have a

drink. As a matter of fact, Don Carlos, I have called to see you in

connection with--er--with a delicate personal matter."

"My dear Mr. Standish, I am flattered that you should make me your

confidant, and I shall be only too pleased if I can assist you."

"Assist me! Hang it all, sir, you--er--you don't seem to understand!"

spluttered Tony, taken aback again, but determined, nevertheless, to

"have it out" with the Spaniard. "I--er--I haven't called to take you

into my confidence or anything of the sort. I have come to demand an


"An explanation?" Don Carlos raised his black eyebrows in seeming

bewilderment. "An explanation? Concerning what, Mr. Standish?"

"Concerning your outrageous conduct, sir," blurted out Tony, trying to

look fierce, but succeeding only in looking hot and embarrassed.

"Concerning Myra--Miss Rostrevor. She tells me you have persistently

been attempting to make love to her ever since you first met her, and

have even gone so far as to ask her to throw me over and elope with

you! What the deuce do you mean by it, sir? Miss Rostrevor, as you

are well aware, is engaged to be married to me. How dare you make love

to my fiancée?"

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