To Myra's relief, Lady Fermanagh returned just then, full of apologies

for having been detained so long at the telephone.

"I hope Myra has been keeping you entertained, señor," she inquired,

and Don Carlos nodded smilingly.

"More than entertained, Lady Fermanagh," he answered. "Miss Rostrevor

and I have been discussing predestination. I have been telling her it

was foretold by the King of the Gypsies that in this, my thirty-fifth

year, I should meet my ideal, the woman predestined to be my wife. I

have met her. The prophecy has come true."

"I'm afraid it is another case of mistaken identity, Aunt Clarissa,"

interposed Myra. "Señor de Ruiz has made the amazing and amusing

suggestion that I am the woman! Did you ever hear anything more


She thought to cover Don Carlos with confusion, but he did not turn a


"Alas, Lady Fermanagh, your charming niece refuses to take me

seriously!" he smilingly lamented. "It seems she was warned as a child

to beware of a tall, dark, handsome man, and to put no faith in his

honeyed words. I am desolated--but only temporarily!"

"From what I can make of it, you appear to have been engaged in a

'leg-pulling' contest," commented Lady Fermanagh, darting a quick

glance from one to the other, and deciding that Myra was probably

evolving some mischievous joke. "You don't mean to tell me seriously,

Don Carlos, that you have any faith in the predictions of a gipsy?"

"Dear lady, since the King of the Gypsies predicted I should get my

heart's desire, surely it would be almost heresy to doubt?" Don Carlos

replied, with a side-glance at Myra. "In my own country I have the

reputation always of gaining anything on which I set my heart, and here

I intend to live up to my reputation. Assuredly the Gypsy King's

prediction will come true, your ladyship."

He took his leave a few minutes later, pleasing Lady Fermanagh greatly

by bowing low over her hand and raising her fingers to his lips.

"One of the most charming men I have met for years," the old lady

remarked, when the door closed behind him. "He is a true Spanish

grandee, with all the grace of a born courtier. I think it was

exceedingly rude of you, Myra, to snatch your hand away as you did when

Don Carlos was going to kiss your fingertips."

"Personally, Aunt, I think he is the most arrogant, ill-mannered and

insufferably conceited man I have ever met," Myra responded warmly.

"He openly boasts that no woman can resist him, prides himself on his

conquests, and while you were out of the room he was making passionate

love to me, and only made fun of my attempts to snub him. I hope you

won't invite the horrible creature here again." Copyright 2016 - 2024