"Alla right, señorita, you secure from El Diablo Cojuelo now," said the


"Yes, you are safe from El Diablo Cojuelo now, Myra," said Don Carlos,

moving nearer, "and explanations can wait until we get to the Castle."

Myra realised that it would be rather absurd to continue to try to make

the officer, who had but an imperfect knowledge of English, understand

that Don Carlos and El Diablo Cojuelo were one man.

Still feeling faint and shaken, Myra was assisted down the

mountain-side after a little while, and was eventually lifted on to a

mule. The journey to the high road that ran through the heart of the

Sierras was accomplished without untoward incident, and by great good

fortune a motor car, carrying two high officials of the Guardia Civil,

drove up just as the party reached the road. Into the car Myra and Don

Carlos were invited, after some voluble explanations on the part of

their escort, and were speedily conveyed to El Castillo de Ruiz.

"Welcome home, Myra, my wife," whispered Don Carlos, as he stepped out

of the car and proffered his hand. "When you have recovered, we will

discuss the question of taking vengeance on El Diablo Cojuelo," he

added. "He is now entirely at your mercy."

"And I shall not spare him!" responded Myra.

* * * "I am simply aching with curiosity, Myra," said Lady Fermanagh a few

hours later. "Do, please, tell me everything. Tony has been talking

strangely, and Don Carlos is reticent about what happened at the

bandit's lair, but I suppose it was he who rescued you."

"Has he said so?" asked Myra.

She had collapsed on reaching the Castillo de Ruiz, but was now feeling

better after a long rest, a warm bath, and a dainty meal.

"Not in so many words," answered Lady Fermanagh. "He seems desperately

worried, and so does Tony, who says he will have to return to England

to-morrow. I can't make out what has been happening, Myra. Do tell


"It is difficult to explain, Aunt," said Myra slowly, after much

hesitation. "El Diablo Cojuelo professed to have fallen in love with

me at first sight, and I was crazy enough to promise to become his wife

if Tony offered to renounce me. Tony did renounce me when he was

threatened with torture, and I was married to El Diablo Cojuelo in his

presence last night. Tony failed me, and now I hate and despise him."

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