Myra was infinitely glad to escape, and she flung herself down in a

chair with a sigh that was half a sob when she reached her bedroom.

"You may go, Dolores," she said, and motioned away the old woman, who

had been murmuring congratulations.

"Si, maestra, buena maestra," said Dolores smilingly, as she withdrew.

"'Maestra?'--That means 'mistress,'" ruminated Myra. "In what sense is

it used? He used the word when he addressed his men after the

mock-marriage. 'Nueva maestra,' I think he called me. That must mean

'new mistress.' His new mistress! How many mistresses have there

been--and what is going to happen to me? ... Oh, why didn't Tony play

the man!"

Time passed and the suspense was becoming almost unbearable when the

sound of heavy footsteps in the rocky corridor made Myra's heart jump

convulsively. She started to her feet as the door opened to reveal Don

Carlos, still wearing his cowl. Behind him were Garcilaso and Mendoza

with Standish, now fully dressed and with a bandage round his eyes,

between them.

"Does the Señora Cojuelo wish to say farewell to the lover who

renounced her?" inquired Don Carlos, with a note of mockery in his

voice. "I am now about to redeem my promise and have him escorted back

unharmed to the Castillo de Ruiz."

"Why are his eyes bandaged?" asked Myra sharply. "What has happened to


"Nothing has happened," Don Carlos assured her. "The bandage is merely

a precautionary measure. He was brought here blindfolded, so that he

might have no idea as to the location of my mountain nest. He leaves

blindfolded for the same reason. Don Carlos de Ruiz will follow him

when I so choose. Have you anything to say to Señor Standish?"

"Nothing," answered Myra, after a moment of hesitation.

"Myra, if only----" said Standish hoarsely, and paused, gulping as if

he were choking. "I suppose it isn't any use attempting to say

anything," he added weakly.

"Except farewell," remarked Don Carlos ironically, and laid his hand on

Myra's arm. "Permit me to escort you to the door, señora mia, to

witness the departure of Señor Standish."

In the wake of Standish and his escort, he led Myra along the corridor

to the outer hall, and Myra, her senses acute, watched him closely as

he manipulated knobs which looked like part of the rocky wall and the

great door that looked like rock itself swung open. Copyright 2016 - 2024