"If Don Carlos lied, and you still refuse to renounce the señorita

after you have been flogged and put to the torture, then I will set her

free and you also," Cojuelo said grimly. "That is a promise, and

Cojuelo never breaks a promise. Meanwhile I say again that you are

lying, and that Don Carlos told the Señorita Rostrevor the truth."

"Here, I say, Cojuelo, cut out this bluff about torture and all that

sort of nonsense," exclaimed Standish, with just a suspicion of

unsteadiness in his voice. "I tell you I am prepared to pay any sum

within reason as a ransom, and you won't get any more by threatening me

with physical violence. Look here, I'm willing to apologise for having

tried to shoot you, but you know you exasperated me by taunting me

about not valuing Miss Rostrevor."

"What a charming piece of condescension on your part!" sneered Cojuelo.

"If Don Carlos de Ruiz lied to the Señorita Rostrevor, I shall shoot

him. That is another promise, señorita. As for you, perhaps the lash

and the red hot iron on your flesh will induce you to speak truth as

well as test your courage!"

He turned to the door, outside which the man with the keys was standing.

"Mendoza, order Perez, Riafio and Garcilaso to get ready the whipping

post and make hot the branding irons at once," he commanded in Spanish,

then repeated the order in English for the benefit of Standish, whose

face went livid.

"Oh, surely you won't be so fiendishly cruel!" burst out Myra

passionately. "If you dare to harm Tony----"

"We will withdraw, señorita, and leave Señor Standish to nerve himself

for the ordeal that awaits him," interrupted Cojuelo, and hustled her

out of the cell before she could say more. "I swear I did not lie to

you, Myra," he resumed, as he clanged the door shut on the prisoner.

"I am bluffing now, and have no intention of flogging or branding

Standish, but only of scaring him into confessing that he is willing to

give you to me to save himself."

"And if he stands the test, if he refuses to give me up even when

threatened with flogging and burning, you will keep your promise and

set us both free?" asked Myra, after a breathless pause.

"Yes, assuredly--and I shall also keep my promise to shoot Don Carlos,"

was the grim reply. "Look, is it not a picturesque scene?" he added,

with a change of tone.

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