“My children,” he greeted them. His eyes went to Tatiana. Was that a spark of pleasure? Could he be pleased to see her? With no small hope, she allowed herself a fraction of a smile.

Grigor bowed his head. “My lord, as you know, the House of Tepes is in need of a new Dominus.” He pointed his hand at Tatiana. “This one comes to take the position. We await your approval.”

The Castus’s mouth pulled back in a mutilated grin. “Granted.”

And just like that, she was Dominus. Her smile went smug, but she didn’t care what the other Dominus thought. She was one of them now. Their peer. They could no longer command her about like an underling. She nodded with as much humility as she could muster, despite the unrelenting surge welling up inside her. “Thank you, Ancient One. I will not disappoint you.”

“No, you will not.” The Castus’s voice spilled from his gullet like shards of rock tumbling down a metal grate. He turned his attention to the others again. “Now, I have a matter of my own that needs attending.”

The lords murmured in obeisance. “Of course, Ancient One. Anything. Yes, my lord.”

Parrots, the lot of them. She lifted her voice above the others, determined to show them immediately how different her reign as Dominus would be. “What is it you desire, my liege?”

Samael cast his gaze upon her, the sparkle in his eyes undeniably amused. “The witch who is responsible for Ivan’s death. I want her dead. Then burn her house and the houses of her coven to the ground.”

Tatiana stood and made a small curtsy. “Consider it done, my lord. What else would you like?”

He threw his head back and laughed, shattering the carafes of blood and vodka on the table and giving them all a glimpse of the dagger teeth that surrounded his black maw. “My daughter, you please me. As such, you may expect a visit from me later.”

Her smile faltered. That was not the result she’d intended. She played it off with a shake of her head and lowered eyes. “You honor me and my new Elder, Daciana.” Daci must be listening to this from her bench outside the doors.

His gaze razored across the other Dominus while one talon-tipped finger pointed at Tatiana. “Mind your sister. She and her”—he paused, a slight wicked grin bending his mouth—“ family are to be protected. Any harm befalls them and my anger will be assuaged with your ashes.”

Another brilliant burst of fire and flame and Samael vanished. The faces of the other Dominus were pricelessly stunned, a mix of open mouths and incredulous gazes. Tatiana lifted her chin and snapped her fingers to get their attention. “Have the driver bring my car around. I’ll be taking the Dominus’s jet. I expect it to be fueled. Svetla, be a dear and fetch my fur, will you?”

The council and their Elders sat staring.

With nary a trace of humanity upon her face, Tatiana bellowed, “Now!”

At last, the old men jumped to their feet to do her bidding. Grigor sent Svetla scurrying out. Smiling, Tatiana went to collect Daci and return home. Well, Tatiana would be returning home in the plane she arrived on to await the Castus. Daci would be taking the Dominus’s supersonic jet straight back to Paradise City to capture Chrysabelle and bring her back for real.

The reign of the House of Tepes had finally begun.

Velimai answered the door at Chrysabelle’s, her eyes shifting to Havoc with a question. Creek appreciated that she had let them onto the property without knowing more, until he saw Doc and the comar behind her, both with weapons aimed in their direction. Fi peeked around from the entrance into the living room.

“This is John Havoc, wolf varcolai. He’s the head of security for the mayor. He’s cool. Havoc, Velimai here basically runs the house. She’s a—”

“Wysper.” Havoc signed something.

Velimai returned a few new signs, then Havoc responded, to which she laughed her soundless laugh. She glanced back at the two men and nodded. Creek made a mental note to ask Havoc what he’d said later. Doc sheathed the dagger in his hand and stepped aside. “What’s up?”

They entered and Creek made a quick intro as Velimai shut the door. “Havoc, this is Doc. He’s the leopard-shifter I was telling you about.”

Havoc stuck his hand out. “Good to meet you. Creek speaks highly of you.”

“Does he.” Doc shook Havoc’s hand, but his gaze stayed a long moment on Creek before returning to Havoc. Doc tipped his head toward the comar. “Damian is Tatiana’s former comar.”

Havoc pushed his shades onto his head. “Tatiana’s the vampire after Chrysabelle, right?”

“That’s the one.” Creek jerked his head at Damian. “Where’s the comarré who was with you in the guesthouse?”

Damian snorted. “Long story.”

“For another time,” Doc added. “Let’s just say she had other plans than hanging out here. What brings you two here?”

“First of all, another of Dominic’s comarré has turned up dead.”

“That explains the cops at Seven,” Fi said, coming to stand beside Doc. “What’s second?”

“The mayor knows Julia had a baby right before she was murdered. She also knows the baby isn’t fully human. She wants the kid brought to her.” Creek sighed. “I’m not going to rip the kid out of the father’s hands, but I figure we should at least check and see if this vampire is taking care of the baby or what.”

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