The dog took one more step and its nose wrinkled. It sneezed and growled, bearing its teeth, and started backing away.

She lunged, grabbing it by the scruff of the neck as she threw herself on top of the struggling animal. It kicked and snapped at her, but subduing the creature took almost no work. Her strength had tripled. Maybe quadrupled.

With a guttural cry, Aliza reared her head back, opened her mouth, and tore into the dog’s neck. It thrashed and whimpered, but after half a minute, it lay limp. Blood poured into her mouth. She swallowed and drank, the hot, earthy liquid filling her body with an almost orgasmic surge of energy.

Suddenly the taste of the blood changed into something ashy and bitter. She pulled away and spat out the last mouthful. The dog stayed limp on the oil-slicked pavement. She sat on her knees staring, oddly at peace with what she’d done. The world around her seemed a very different place. Brighter. Louder. Hers for the taking. And she was hungry for more. The dog had barely touched the hunger in her gut.

She pushed to her feet, using her sleeve to wipe the blood from her mouth. So she was a vampire, or some sort of creature that required blood, but what of her witch side? Fire had always been her best element.

Cracking her knuckles and shaking out her hands, she took a deep breath out of habit and centered herself. She extended her fingers toward the animal and called fire.

Flames burst from her hand and devoured the dog as if it were dried leaves. In seconds, nothing remained but smoking bits of bone. She studied what she’d just done, then looked at her fingers. She’d never had that much control or power before. If this was being a vampire, maybe it wasn’t so bad.

She laughed at the absurdity of it all. What would Evie say when she heard her mother had joined the dark side? There’d be no stopping them now.

Aliza took off down the street. There was plenty of time to get home. First she had to fix this craving in her belly for more blood. The dog had taken the edge off, but there was still a gaping, hungry hole there and something told her nothing was going to make it go away until she drank something human.

Chapter Nineteen

Creek sipped what had to be the best coffee he’d ever tasted. How many other convicted murderers had sat at the mayor’s dining room table and eaten breakfast? Probably the same number as those who’d been paroled by the Kubai Mata and consigned into a life of secret service. One.

He’d rather have been in his own bed last night, but he couldn’t blame Lola for not wanting him or Havoc to leave after what she’d seen last night. And speak of the devil…

Havoc staggered in, for once not wearing the black sunglasses he was never without. He nodded at Creek on his way to the side table where an expanse of food had been laid out by the mayor’s staff. He filled a mug from the coffee urn, then took a seat at the end of the table.

“You don’t look like you slept.”

“I didn’t.” Havoc stared at the table like he was somewhere else. “Spent the night setting up some new security measures. The mayor wants at least two more people added to the team.”

“You have names already?” Creek immediately thought of Doc. The guy had the right look and could obviously throw down when needed.

Havoc sipped his steaming coffee, then shook his head. “Just one. My brother, Luke.”

Creek got up for more coffee. “I know a guy. Leopard varcolai. Good man. Goes about six foot six, two forty. Lotta street smarts. Knows his way around the othernatural side of the street better than most.”

“Sounds like a candidate.” Havoc rubbed at his eyes. “Gimme his info and I’ll take it from there.”

“Good morning.” Lola strode in, her makeup doing a fair job of hiding what had surely been a night low on sleep. She was dressed in a tan pantsuit and fitted white button-down. All business, as usual. “Creek, I’d like you to come to the office with me today so you can continue educating me on what to expect.” She fixed a plate of fruit and scrambled eggs and a large coffee heavy on sugar and cream. “John, you should take the day off. I can have the police send a few officers to city hall. I need you rested and on your game.”

Creek leaned against the table, expecting Havoc to protest. He didn’t. “I should have the two new security people you asked for in a day or so.”

She sat, bowed her head, crossed herself, then began eating. “Good.” She glanced up at Creek. “If you’re going to eat, I suggest you do it soon. I want to be at my office in half an hour. The car is waiting to take us.”

Creek leaned his hands on the dining table and bent to her eye level. “I realize you’re used to people asking how high when you say jump, but I’ve spent two days in borrowed clothes. Haven’t set foot in my place in that long. I’m going home to shower and change, and then I’ll come to your office when I’m ready.”

She raised her brows but said nothing while she chewed. Finally she swallowed. “The mayor’s office has a bathroom. You can shower there. I’ll have appropriate clothes brought in. If you’re going to be taking on the role of advisor, I can’t have you looking like a convict.” Her gaze went to his Mohawk.

“No,” he said, anticipating the next action item on her list. “The hair stays. And I never agreed to any kind of advisory role.” No way Argent was going to let him work for anyone but the KM.

She opened her mouth to respond, but a maid came in and said something in a mix of Spanish and English. Creek picked out the name Vernadetto. Lola nodded and answered, “Si. Send him in.” Copyright 2016 - 2024