But she couldn’t break free and get back to him.

“No! Marna!” Tanner stared up, body shaking with fury, as the angel took Marna away from him. Fucking Bastion. He wasn’t taking her. He—

“He flew right at me.” Cody’s words tumbled out. Blood dripped from the gash in his forehead. “I was trying to get back to town—and my windshield shattered. I couldn’t even see him, not at first.” Cody’s breath shuddered out. “He forced me to stop.”

And he’d taken Marna. Tanner had caught a glimpse of the angel’s black wings. He’d moved too fast for Tanner to see his face, but he knew just which angel had come calling.

A door slammed behind him. Footsteps raced toward them. And those sirens kept screaming.


He couldn’t see Marna anymore. But he would find her. The angel wouldn’t take her.

“Tanner!” Hard hands slammed into him, and Tanner jerked his gaze away from the dark sky and found himself staring at his partner’s tense face. Wait, what the hell was Jonathan doing there?

“Man, we are in one big-ass shit storm,” Jonathan told him. The guy was sweating and shaking. “I’ve been searching this swamp for you all night.”

Tanner shook his head. “I have to—”

“What? Go after the girl? Not right now. Right now, you have to avoid the damn manhunt that is coming your way. They found the captain’s body, and now, they are looking for you.”

Did everything really have to go to hell at the same exact time? He glanced around. The motorcycle was smashed and twisted into a heavy mass of undriveable metal. The SUV was totaled. Only one way out. “Then take me into custody.” He headed for the patrol car. The same patrol car that he’d raced past moments before.

Jonathan grabbed his arm in a surprisingly strong grip. Huh. Maybe the human wasn’t so weak after all. “Are you insane?” Jonathan demanded with narrowed eyes. “Why do you think I was hauling ass to find you first? I’m trying to keep you out of custody.”

Tanner jerked free and kept marching toward the car. The guy wasn’t that strong. “Maybe I wasn’t clear enough.” He didn’t climb in the back of the car. He slid behind the wheel. “I’m taking this car.” More sirens were screaming. Coming ever closer

“Shit.” Jonathan jumped in beside him. “You’re not leaving without me. I’ll be damned if I have to keep chasing your ass.”

“You’re not goin’ without me!” Cody, weaving a bit, stood in front of the vehicle. “I won’t let you face him alone!”

Jonathan stared through the windshield at the bleeding demon. Then he shook his head. “I think it’s time you brought me up to speed, partner.”

Tanner’s hands clenched around the wheel. Being in the car was the perfect camouflage for him. While the other cops were out beating the streets in their search for a fugitive, a cop killer—time for me to kiss that badge good-bye—he’d be safely behind the wheel. Tracking an angel who was bent on hell.

You aren’t walking away after this. He’d make sure Bastion didn’t have a second chance to go after Marna. He’d seen the lust so clearly in the angel’s eyes. He should have expected—

“Tell me,” Jonathan insisted as he slammed his fist against the dash, making the radio shake.

Cody ran around to the back of the car. He climbed in, sending blood drops raining against the cage that kept suspects in check.

“Drive,” Cody told him.

Like he needed to be told. Tanner kept the windows down. He pulled in the scents around them and got locked on the one that mattered most.

Sin and sweetness. Rich, lush woman. A lost angel.

And he followed her. He shoved the gas pedal to the floor, weaved around the wreckage, and asked his partner, “You know Marna’s an angel of death . . .” She had been. “Well, one of those other death ass**les just took her away.” The patrol car raced through the darkness. “And we’re getting her back.”

They landed on a rooftop. The sun was rising, just cracking open the sky with streaks of red and gold. The instant Marna’s feet touched down, Bastion let her go.

Marna whirled on him and drove her fist up into his jaw. He didn’t flinch. He’s getting used to pain.

His gaze, steady and intense, just held hers. “I don’t care if I make you angry.”

When had he gone crazy? How had she missed it? “What were you thinking? You can’t just abduct—”

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