Quick then did Moti speak, by love made bold,

"No cause is there, O Love, for sad affright,

For I have read the portents of the night;

Of envy dies the glowworm when the moon

Is worshipped in the welkin, and the boon

Of costly tears

Dropped by the bleeding tree, to mortal cares

Is healing balm;

The rosebuds dream, Love, and the soft wind's sigh

Is lullaby.

And yet I know that sorry things befal

Sometimes, withal,

For once it was my grievous task to mourn

A turtle-dove sore wounded by a thorn."

"O sweetest Dove,

May grief be far from thee,

Who lovest sorrow when thou lovest me;

But changeful love

May yet be fixed by grief no more to rove,

And we by woe be bound in constancy.

O Roses, bear me witness of my truth,

Death with my love were life a thousand-fold,

Dear death were fairer than immortal youth

Could it life's weal in friendly arms enfold.

Dark Angel of the River's brink, draw near,

In stable grasp this sovereign hour assure,

Cast icy glamour o'er my love's sweet cheer,

Forever then shall that dear love endure,

An end of sweets fair Chance may hold in store

Were death of all the changeful moods of time,

And boundless being of my love's sweet prime.

Ah, thorny Roses, prate ye still of ruth

And would me my brief hour of bliss deny?

And yet all happy things to love are sooth,

But I, ah me, this destiny so high

Weighs on my spirit like a drowsy spell,

I cannot joy like those, nor stay, I fail

Before the greatness of my high behest,

Ah, high is holiness, but love is rest,

Yes, love is rest, is rest; then blow, sweet gale

Of soft forgetfulness about me still,

And O, ye Roses, balmy breath exhale

And all my consciousness with slumber fill.

And, O sweet Love, I pray you yield me now

One little pearl from the fair coronal

That crowns the loveliness of that calm brow,

And I, where'er I be, will own its thrall,

And gaze on it and dream until I see

A phantom love, before whom I shall fall

And pray, adoring white-robed purity."

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