"At Mabille, while Clémentine, Hortense, Anna, Ludovic and the three

Tuareg gave themselves over to the wildest gallops, Sheik Otham took

me aside and confided to me, with visible emotion, a certain

commission with which he had just been charged by his brother, Sheik


"The next day, very early, I reached Clémentine's house.

"'My dear,' I began, after having waked her, not without difficulty,

'listen to me. I want to talk to you seriously.' "She rubbed her eyes a bit crossly.

"'How did you like that young Arabian gentleman who was so taken with

you last night?' "'Why, well enough,' she said, blushing.

"'Do you know that in his country, he is the sovereign prince and

reigns over territories five or six times greater than those of our

august master, the Emperor Napoleon III?' "'He murmured something of that kind to me,' she said, becoming


"'Well, would it please you to mount on a throne, like our august

sovereign, the Empress Eugénie?' "Clémentine, looked startled.

"'His own brother, Sheik Otham, has charged me in his name to make

this offer.' "Clémentine, dumb with amazement, did not reply.

"'I, Empress!' she finally stammered.

"'The decision rests with you. They must have your answer before

midday. If it is 'yes,' we lunch together at Voisin's, and the bargain

is made.' "I saw that she had already made up her mind, but she thought it well

to display a little sentiment.

"'And you, you!' she groaned. 'To leave you thus.... Never!' "'No foolishness, dear child,' I said gently. 'You don't know perhaps

that I am ruined. Yes, completely: I don't even know how I am going to

pay for your complexion cream!' "'Ah!' she sighed.

"She added, however, 'And ... the child?' "'What child?' "'Our child ... our child.' "'Ah! That is so. Why, you will have to put it down to profit and

loss. I am even convinced that Sheik Ahmed will find that it resembles

him.' "'You can turn everything into a joke,' she said between laughing and


"The next morning, at the same hour, the Marseilles express carried

away the five Tuareg and Clémentine. The young woman, radiant, was

leaning on the arm of Sheik Ahmed, who was beside himself with joy.

"'Have you many shops in your capital?' she asked him languidly.

"And he, smiling broadly under his veil, replied: "'Besef, besef, bono, roumis, bono.' "At the last moment, Clémentine had a pang of emotion.

"'Listen, Casimir, you have always been kind to me. I am going to be a

queen. If you weary of it here, promise me, swear to me....' "The Sheik had understood. He took a ring from his finger and slipped

it onto mine.

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