"Gentlemen," said Le Mesge, suddenly entering the room, "why are you

so late? They are waiting dinner for you."

The little Professor was in a particularly good humor that evening. He

wore a new violet rosette.

"Well?" he said, in a mocking tone, "you have seen her?"

Neither Morhange nor I replied.

The Reverend Spardek and the Hetmari of Jitomir already had begun

eating when we arrived. The setting sun threw raspberry lights on the

cream-colored mat.

"Be seated, gentlemen," said Le Mesge noisily. "Lieutenant de

Saint-Avit, you were not with us last evening. You are about to taste

the cooking of Koukou, our Bambara chef, for the first time. You must

give me your opinion of it."

A Negro waiter set before me a superb fish covered with a pimento

sauce as red as tomatoes.

I have explained that I was ravenously hungry. The dish was exquisite.

The sauce immediately made me thirsty.

"White Ahaggar, 1879," the Herman of Jitomir breathed in my ear as he

filled my goblet with a clear topaz liquid. "I developed it myself:

rien pour la tête, tout pour les jambes."

I emptied the goblet at a gulp. The company began to seem charming.

"Well, Captain Morhange," Le Mesge called out to my comrade who had

taken a mouthful of fish, "what do you say to this acanthopterygian?

It was caught to-day in the lake in the oasis. Do you begin to admit

the hypothesis of the Saharan sea?"

"The fish is an argument," my companion replied.

Suddenly he became silent. The door had opened. A white Targa entered.

The diners stopped talking.

The veiled man walked slowly toward Morhange and touched his right


"Very well," said Morhange.

He got up and followed the messenger.

The pitcher of Ahaggar, 1879, stood between me and Count Bielowsky. I

filled my goblet--a goblet which held a pint, and gulped it down.

The Hetman looked at me sympathetically.

"Ha, ha!" laughed Le Mesge, nudging me with his elbow. "Antinea has

respect for the hierarchic order."

The Reverend Spardek smiled modestly.

"Ha, ha!" laughed Le Mesge again.

My glass was empty. For a moment I was tempted to hurl it at the head

of the Fellow in History. But what of it? I filled it and emptied it


"Morhange will miss this delicious roast of mutton," said the

Professor, more and more hilarious, as he awarded himself a thick

slice of meat.

"He won't regret it," said the Hetman crossly. "This is not roast; it

is ram's horn. Really Koukou is beginning to make fun of us."

"Blame it on the Reverend," the shrill voice of Le Mesge cut in. "I

have told him often enough to hunt other proselytes and leave our cook


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