My guide and I passed along another long corridor. My excitement

increased. I was impatient for one thing only, to come face to face

with that woman, to tell her.... So far as anything else was

concerned, I already was done for.

I was mistaken in hoping that the adventure would take an heroic turn

at once. In real life, these contrasts never are definitely marked

out. I should have remembered from many past incidents that the

burlesque was regularly mixed with the tragic in my life.

We reached a little transparent door. My guide stood aside to let me


I found myself in the most luxurious of dressing-rooms. A ground glass

ceiling diffused a gay rosy light over the marble floor. The first

thing I noticed was a clock, fastened to the wall. In place of the

figures for the hours, were the signs of the Zodiac. The small hand

had not yet reached the sign of Capricorn.

Only three o'clock!

The day seemed to have lasted a century already.... And only a little

more than half of it was gone.

Another idea came to me, and a convulsive laugh bent me double.

"Antinea wants me to be at my best when I meet her."

A mirror of orichalch formed one whole side of the room. Glancing into

it, I realized that in all decency there was nothing exaggerated in

the demand.

My untrimmed beard, the frightful layer of dirt which lay about my

eyes and furrowed my cheeks, my clothing, spotted by all the clay of

the Sahara and torn by all the thorns of Ahaggar--all this made me

appear a pitiable enough suitor.

I lost no time in undressing and plunging into the porphry bath in the

center of the room. A delicious drowsiness came over me in that

perfumed water. A thousand little jars, spread on a costly carved wood

dressing-table, danced before my eyes. They were of all sizes and

colors, carved in a very transparent kind of jade. The warm humidity

of the atmosphere hastened my relaxation.

I still had strength to think, "The devil take Atlantis and the vault

and Le Mesge."

Then I fell asleep in the bath.

When I opened my eyes again, the little hand of the clock had almost

reached the sign of Taurus. Before me, his black hands braced on the

edge of the bath, stood a huge Negro, bare-faced and bare-armed, his

forehead bound with an immense orange turban.

He looked at me and showed his white teeth in a silent laugh.

"Who is this fellow?"

The Negro laughed harder. Without saying a word, he lifted me like a

feather out of the perfumed water, now of a color on which I shall not

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