"Hello, there!" he hailed, seeing but not recognizing me; "have you

seen any cavalry pass this way?"

"No, I have not," I answered in English.

"Eh? What's that?" not quite believing it was English he had heard.

"I said that no cavalry has passed this way since this afternoon. Are

they looking for you, you jail-bird in perspective?"

He was near enough now. "Well, I be dam'!" he cried. "What the devil

are you doing here, of all places?"

"I was looking for you," said I, locking my arm in his.

"Everybody has been making that their occupation since I left Austria,"

cursing lowly. "I never saw such people."

"What have you been doing this time?"

"Nothing; but I want to do something right away. They have been

hounding me all over the kingdom. What have I done? Nothing,

absolutely nothing. It makes me hot under the collar. These German

blockheads! Do they think to find the Princess Hildegarde by following

me around? I'd give as much as they to find her."

"So you haven't seen anything of her?"

"Not a sign. I came here first, but not a soul was at the castle.

Nobody knows where she is. I came here this time to throw them off the

track, but I failed. I had a close shave this noon. I'll light out

to-morrow. It isn't safe in these parts. It would be of no use to

tell them that I do not know where the princess is. They have

connected me with her as they connect one link of a chain to another.

You can kill a German, but you can't convince him. How long have you

been here?"

I did not reply at once. "About ten days."

"Ten days!" he echoed. "What on earth has kept you in this ruin that


"Rest," said I, glibly. "But I am going away to-morrow. We'll go

together. They will not know what to do with two of us."

"Yes, they will. You will be taken for my accomplice. . . . Hark!

What's that?" holding his hand to his ear. "Horses. Come, I'm not

going to take any risk."

So we made a run for the inn. In the twilight haze we could see two

horsemen coming along the highway at a brisk gallop.

"By the Lord Harry!" Hillars cried excitedly; "the very men I have been

dodging all day. Hurry! Can you put me somewhere for the time being?

The garret; anywhere."

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