And what of Edris? What of the "Flower-crowned Wonder" of the Field of Ardath, strayed for a while out of her native Heaven? Does the world know her marvellous origin? Perhaps the mystic Heliobas knows,--perhaps even good Frank Villiers has hazarded a reverent guess at his friend's great secret--but to the uninstructed, what does she seem?

Nothing but a WOMAN, MOST PURE WOMANLY; a woman whose influence on all is strangely sweet and lasting,--whose spirit overflows with tenderest sympathy for the many wants and sorrows of mankind,-- whose voice charms away care,--whose smile engenders peace,--whose eyes, lustrous and thoughtful, are unclouded by any shadow of sin,--and on whose serene beauty the passing of years leaves no visible trace. That she is fair and wise, joyous, radiant, and holy is apparent to all,--but only the Poet, her lover and lord, her subject and servant, can tell how truly his Edris is not so much sweet woman as most perfect Angel! A Dream of Heaven made human! ... Let some of us hesitate ere we doubt the Miracle; for we are sleepers and dreamers all,--and the hour is close at hand when--we shall Wake.

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