"Secondly. Will they take money for their professed knowledge? If so, they condemn themselves as paid tricksters.

"Thirdly. Are they men and women of commonplace and thoroughly material life? Then, it is plain they cannot influence others to strive for a higher existence.

"Fourthly. Do they love notoriety? If they do, the gates of the unseen world are shut upon them.

"Fifthly. Do they disagree among themselves, and speak against one another? If so, they contradict by their own behavior all the laws of spiritual force and harmony.

"Sixthly and lastly.--Do they reject Christ! If they do, they know nothing whatever about Spiritualism, there being NONE without Him. Again, when you observe professing psychists living in any eccentric way, so as to cause their trifling every-day actions to be remarked and commented upon, you may be sure the real power is not in them,--as, for instance, people who become vegetarians because they imagine that by so doing they will see spirits-- people who adopt a singular mode of dress in order to appear different from their fellow-creatures--people who are lachrymose, dissatisfied, or in any way morbid. Never forget that TRUE Spiritualism engenders HEALTH OF BODY AND MIND, serenity and brightness of aspect, cheerfulness and perfect contentment,--and that its influence on those who are brought within its radius is distinctly MARKED and BENEFICIAL. The chief characteristic of a true, that is, CHRISTIAN, spiritualist is, that he or she CANNOT be shaken from faith, or thrown into despair by any earthly misfortune whatsoever. And while on this subject, I will show you where the existing forms of Christianity depart from the teachings of Christ: first, in LACK OF SELF ABNEGATION,--secondly, in LACK OF UNITY,--thirdly, in failing to prove to the multitude that Death is is not DESTRUCTION, but simply CHANGE. Nothing really DIES; and the priests should make use of Science to illustrate this fact to the people. Each of these virtues has its Miracle Effect: Unity is strength; Self abnegation attracts the Divine Influences, and Death, viewed as a glorious transformation, which it IS, inspires the soul with a sense of larger life. Sects are UNChristian,--there should he only ONE vast, UNITED Church for all the Christian world--a Church, whose pure doctrines should include all the hints received from Nature and the scientific working of the Universe,--the marvels of the stars and the planetary systems,--the wonders of plants and minerals,--the magic of light and color and music; and the TRUE MIRACLES of Spirit and Matter should be inquired into reverently, prayerfully, and always with the deepest HUMILITY;--while the first act of worship performed every holy Morn and Eve should be Gratitude! Gratitude--gratitude! Ay, even for a sorrow we should be thankful,--it may conceal a blessing we wot not of! For sight, for sense, for touch, for the natural beauty of this present world,--for the smile on a face we love--for the dignity and responsibility of our lives, and the immortality with which we are endowed,--Oh my friend! would that every breath we drew could in some way express to the All Loving Creator our adoring recognition of His countless benefits!"

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