Presently his glistening jaws opened,--his tongue darted forth vibratingly,--and he gave vent to a low hissing sound, erecting and depressing his crest with extraordinary rapidity, so that it flashed like an aigrette of rare gems. Then, with slow and solemn step, the Priest Zel advanced to the front of the Shrine, and spreading out his hands in the manner of one pronouncing a benediction, said loudly and with emphasis: "Nagaya the Divine doth hear the prayers of his people! "Nagaya the Supreme doth accept the offered Sacrifice! "BRING FORTH THE VICTIM!"

The last words were spoken with stern authoritativeness, and scarcely had they been uttered when the great entrance doors of the Temple flew open, and a procession of children appeared, strewing flowers and singing: "O happy Bride, we bring thee unto joy and peace! "To thee are opened the Palaces of the Air, "The beautiful silent Palaces where the bright stars dwell "O happy Bride of Nagaya! how fair a fate is thine!"

Pausing, they flung wreaths and garlands among the people, and continued: "O happy Bride! for thee are past all Sorrows and Sin, "Thou shalt never know shame, or pain or grief or the weariness of tears; "For thee no husband shall prove false, no children prove ungrateful; "O happy Bride of Nagaya! how glad a fate is thine. "O happy Bride! when thou art wedded to the beautiful god, the god of Rest,-- "Thou shalt forget all trouble and dwell among sweet dreams for ever! "Thou art the blessed one, chosen for the love-embraces of Nagaya! "O happy Bride! ... how glorious a fate is thine!"

Thus they sang in the soft, strange vowel-language of Al-Kyris, and tripped along with that innocent, unthinking gayety usual to such young creatures, up to the centre aisle toward the Sanctuary. They were followed by four priests in scarlet robes and closely masked, . . and walking steadfastly between these, came a slim girl clad in white, veiled from head to foot and crowned with a wreath of lotus lilies. All the congregation, as though moved by an impulse, turned to look at her as she passed,--but her features were not as yet discernible through the mist-like draperies that enfolded her.

The singing children, always preceding her and scattering flowers, having arrived at the steps of the Shrine, grouped themselves on either side,--and the red garmented Priests, after having made several genuflections to the glittering Python that now, with reared neck and quivering fangs, seemed to watch everything that was going on with absorbed and crafty vigilance, proceeded to unveil the maiden martyr, and also to tie her slight hands behind her back by means of a knotted silver cord. Then in a firm voice the Priest Zel proclaimed: "Behold the elected Bride of the Sun and the Divine Nagaya! Copyright 2016 - 2024