A sense of the fact evanescently gleamed upon her with the appearance

of Mrs. Bolton, lamp in hand, and the instantaneous appearance and

disappearance of her husband at the back door through which she emerged.

The two women spent the first moments of the lamp-light in making certain

that Idella was sound and whole in every part, and then in making uncertain

for ever how she came to be there. Whether she had wandered out in her

sleep, and found her way home with dream-led feet, or whether she had

watched till the house was quiet, and then stolen away, was what she could

not tell them, and must always remain a mystery.

"I don't believe but what Mr. Bolton had better go and wake up the Savors.

You got to keep her for the night, I presume, but they'd ought to know

where she is, and you can take her over there agin, come daylight."

"_Mrs_. Bolton!" shouted Annie, in a voice so deep and hoarse that

it shook the heart of a woman who had never known fear of man. "If you

say such a thing to me--if you ever say such a thing again--I--I--I will

_hit_ you! Send Mr. Bolton for Idella's things--right away!"

* * * * * "Land!" said Mrs. Savor, when Bolton, after a long conciliatory preamble,

explained that he did not believe Miss Kilburn felt a great deal like

giving the child up again. "_I_ don't want it without it's satisfied

to stay. I see last night it was just breakin' its heart for her, and I

told William when we first missed her this mornin', and he was in such a

pucker about her, I bet anything he was a mind to that the child had gone

back to Miss Kilburn's. That's just the words I used; didn't I, Rebecca?

I couldn't stand it to have no child _grievin'_ around."

Beyond this sentimental reluctance, Mrs. Savor later confessed to Annie

herself that she was really accepting the charge of Idella in the same

spirit of self-sacrifice as that in which Annie was surrendering it, and

that she felt, when Mr. Peck first suggested it, that the child was better

off with Miss Kilburn; only she hated to say so. Her husband seemed to

think it would make up to her for the one they lost, but nothing could

really do that.

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