“Either way, we’ve got a fuckin’ war with the other chapters.”

“Yeah,” he grunts. “But we show our strong side, they mightn’t fight back.”

“It’s a big risk.”

“What other choice have I got?”

I nod. “None.”

“Worried for my woman,” he mutters. “Worried for my baby.”

“You gotta get them out of town. We’ll get them out.”

“Can’t keep her runnin’ for the rest of her life.”

“Santana knows what she’s doin’. She knows the club life and she wants to be here. Don’t start pushin’ her away; it’ll only put her in more danger.”

He nods. “Yeah.”

“We gonna ride and check out this warehouse?”

He spins to his bike, throwing his leg over. “Let’s ride.”



“So, you two are fuck buddies?” Santana gasps.

I shake my head. “No. We’re just not together.”

“Fuck buddies,” Ash points out.



I grunt. “I’m fine with this, okay?”

“You sure about that?” Santana asks, bouncing Diesel in her lap.

“It’s sex, great sex, and nothing more.”

“If you fall for him—” Ash begins, but I cut her off.

“Ash, Santana, it’s fine. I’m not going to fall for him. I know what Mack is; I’ve known it from the start. I’ve heard about Ingrid, I know how much she meant to him, and I know things won’t change between us. I’m okay with that. I’m only there for a few more months at the most, and then I’ll go home.”

They give each other looks. I sigh.

“I’ve got to go to the store.”

I reach my hands out and Santana hands me Diesel.

“We still on for our girls’ night, Saturday?” Ash asks.

“I’ll be there,” I call as I walk off.

“You better be!”

I smile and get into my car, strapping Diesel in.

These girls will get under my skin, I already know that much.

And I kind of like it.


“What do you think, little man?” I sing to Diesel as we walk to the car. “Should we stop and get some ice cream?”

“I think he’d like that.”

I squeal and spin around to see Benito, Mack’s brother, standing at a car across from mine. I didn’t even hear him approach. My heart races and I tuck Diesel to my chest, terrified. After hearing the story, I know Benito wants revenge.

“How are you, Jaylah?” he purrs, stepping closer to me.

I step back, my heart racing. My eyes dart around the parking lot, hoping to see someone else, but there’s no one around. I don’t like this; not at all.

“I’m just leaving,” I say quickly, going to turn.

He catches my arm and I squeeze my eyes shut. He forces me back around and his eyes are on Diesel, staring at him, drinking him in.

“He looks just like my brother.”

I swallow.

“He should have been mine,” he says, his voice low. “She should have been mine. Instead, he took what wasn’t his and then left me with nothing.”

Oh, God.

His fingers tighten on my arm.

“You fucking him?” he growls.

“Please,” I beg.

“You are, aren’t you?”

Oh, God.

“I wonder how he’d feel if I fucked you—hell, if I got someone to put a baby in you that wasn’t his.”

My skin crawls.

He leans in close.

“Imagine how much that would hurt? If I took from him the way he took from me. Would you like that, sweetheart? Would you like me to fuck you? I can assure you it’ll be a better ride than my brother.”

Vomit rises in my throat and I try to step back but his fingers curl into my arm, and I wince in pain.

“You better tell him to take better care of you, and that baby,” he says, his eyes dropping to Diesel. “I might just decide taking what’s his will be fun.”

I swallow the lump in my throat, but no words come out. There’s something in his eyes that tells me he’s not joking.

“You’ve got a sweet ass. I’ll enjoy being inside it.”

Then he lets me go and turns, getting into his car and driving off. My knees are shaking so badly, I fling the door open and drop down onto the seat. Diesel is tucked into my arms, stirring, as if he feels my tension. I take a solid moment to get myself together, and then I strap Diesel in and drive home.

I don’t feel so good about things anymore.


When I get home, Mack has all the guys around.

I walk in and they’re sitting on the lounge, beer in hands, pizza on the table. I rush past them, head down. I wish he didn’t have them here tonight; I don’t want to talk to them. I just want to go to bed and forget about Benito and his threat, a threat I believe is very, very real.

“Jaylah,” Krypt says in greeting.

I look up, nod quickly, and rush into the kitchen.

I put the bags down and hand Diesel over to Maddox, who willingly takes his nephew. Then I rush into the kitchen, avoiding Mack’s eyes, even though I know they’re on me. I start putting the items in the fridge frantically, so frantically I drop a bottle of sauce and it smashes all over the ground. My hands tremble as I scurry about, trying to pick it up, tears flowing freely from my eyes.

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