
I hear Colt’s voice, and turn. He smiles down at me, taking my shoulders. “What are you doin’ here?”

“I came to see Axel.”

He frowns. “Aren’t you meant to be with Lady Matilda?”

“It’s a long story. Is he here?”

His eyes grow a little hard. “He’s...busy.”

“Busy?” I say loudly, so he can hear me over he music.

“Meadow...he’s...ah...got someone with him.”

My blood turns to ice, and I feel my fists clench. “He what?”

“Look, I don’t think tonight is the right time for you to be here...”

I roll my eyes. “Do you think this shit shocks me?” I mutter, waving my hands around, indicating the room in general.

He looks confused. “I thought...”

“Look, just tell me where he is...please Colt?”

He sighs loudly, and rubs his forehead with the palm of his hand. “He’s in his office.”

I shove past him, and rush toward the hall. I don’t know what I’m going to find when I go into Axel’s office, but I have to go in. I push past a couple fucking against a wall, and only once I’m past do I recognize that it was Jax, and one of the whores. Nice. I get to Axel’s door, and I don’t wait, I just swing it open. The first thing I see is the blonde-headed girl on his lap. She’s got hair halfway down her back, and she’s wearing nothing but a thong.

She’s grinding against him, shoving her big fakies in his face. He’s got his hands on her hips, but I can’t see his face. My heart beats wildly, and I want to be sick, but I step in further, slamming the door loudly behind me. Axel jerks, and his head whips around the girl. His eyes lock directly onto mine. His entire body stiffens, and we hold eye contact for the longest moment. I see a challenge in his eyes, and I imagine he can also see it in mine.

The girl doesn’t stop giving him a lap dance. She doesn’t even notice I’m there.

She’s probably off her face.

“You said I didn’t want to know what you are, that I wouldn’t like it, but you haven’t given me the chance to find out. So, here I am. I want to know, Axel,” I say, my voice stern and determined.

I spot the handcuffs on his desk, and I lean over, taking them, and holding them up. I keep my eyes locked on his as I snap them on my wrists, binding my own hands in front of me. “Show me.”

His body stiffens, and his eyes fill with lust and need. He searches my face, to see if I’m for real about this.

“I’m not walking out of here, so you either throw that whore off your lap, and give me what I want, or I’ll walk out, and I’ll never come back. You choose, Axel.”

His jaw ticks, and he growls to the girl. “Get the fuck out.”

She frowns, turns her head, and shoots me an icy glare. “But Pres...”

“You heard me,” he snarls at her, not taking his eyes from mine. “Get the fuck out.”

She gets off his lap and without putting her shirt on she walks past me, and out the door, slamming it loudly behind her. Axel doesn’t move from his chair, but his eyes are filled with something deadly, something terrifying that has my body spiking with need.

“You want to give me what I want?” he says in a gravelly tone.

“Yes,” I whisper.

“You fuckin’ sure about that?”

“We’ve been dancing around this for long enough. Show me what you are, and I can decide if it’s something I want in my life.”

The room fills with silence for a long moment, then his eyes narrow, and a deadly look appears on his face.

“Run,” he says, his tone husky and laced with dominance.

I don’t need him to say anything else, because I know what it is he’s asking me to do. He wants me to run, and he wants me to give in to the dark side of myself. He wants to catch me, he wants to put me on my knees, and fuck me with brutal force. The idea of that has my blood pumping. I turn, without giving it a second thought, and I run.

I fly through the door and down the hall, and I hear his chair skid back. I don’t even think about the fact that my hands are still cuffed. I shove through the people in the main living area, and I get a few whistles from the boys, and a few “Atta girl, Meadow!” I guess they know what Axel likes. I stumble through the front door, and I take a quick left, heading past the bikes and into the trees to the left of the house.

I hear Axel’s boots crunching through the dirt, and I know he’s close behind me. The idea of being chased, the idea of having him catch me and fuck me, has everything inside me throbbing with need. I duck behind an old shed, and I try to catch my breath. It’s dark out, except for a few faint streetlights. I peer around the shed, and I see Axel jogging towards me. God, he looks so fucking dangerous.

It does great things to me.

I tiptoe out from the side of the shed, and bolt toward the bikes lined up at the front of the lot. I hear Axel’s pleased growl, and his husky, “You keep runnin’ baby, but when I get you, I’m goin’ to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to scream my name.”

My skin tingles, and I run harder towards the bikes. My entire body is aware of him, and adrenaline courses through my veins. I want him to catch me, yet at the same time, I want to keep running, and feeling this overwhelming urge that’s washing through my body. Sweat trickles down my face as I stop beside the front gate. I drop my cuffed hands to my knees, taking a breath, but it’s too long.

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