He’d seen Bo before. Seen him at death scenes in the past. Bo liked to hurt his victims, vamps and humans. If anyone deserved getting put out of his misery, it would be Bo.

Keenan’s hand reached out. His fingers stretched. Bo spun around, finally seeming to sense the threat.

Pete let out a high-pitched yell.

But then someone blocked his prey. Someone with pale skin and midnight-black hair. The last person he’d expected to find on his hunt.

And Nicole was blocking his prey.

“I don’t know what you’re doing,” she whispered as he froze. “But attacking humans … this isn’t you.”

It was now.

“Get away from them, Nicole.” Maybe she didn’t realize just who it was that she was protecting. She’d been on the ground, burning, so she might not have seen their faces so well. “They’re the ones who tried to kill you.”

“I’m not worried about them.” Her chin lifted. “I only care about you.”

His hand was still up and just inches from her face.

Sam cursed. The wind rushed against Keenan, and Sam vanished. Figured.

Behind Nicole, Bo bent down, grabbed at his boot—and came back up with his fingers clenched around a wooden stake.

“You should be worried, bitch!” Bo screamed, spittle flying from his mouth. “I been waitin’ a long time to kill you!”

Nicole spun toward him, but Bo was already plunging that stake down, and when she turned, it gave him perfect aim at her heart.


Here. Now.

Keenan leapt forward and shoved Nicole out of the way, and his hand caught the stake and Bo’s hand. He caught them—then he crushed both the wood and the hand.

Bo screamed, the cry high and pain-filled, but the shriek ended mid-breath as Bo collapsed.


“Keenan …”

His head whipped to the right. Nicole was on the ground, pushing to her feet. She was still too pale and weaving just a little. Probably because she hadn’t taken a drink before tracking after him.

“You touched me,” she told him and he wondered if she hadn’t just set him up, with herself as bait. “You touched me.”

“I had to.” If he hadn’t, she would have died. No choice.

Her gaze held his. I didn’t kill her. He wanted to pull her close. But …

She pulled him close instead. Around them, the crowd continued, not even noticing the dead man. Or maybe not caring.

“You’re touching me, and I’m not dying,” she seemed to breathe the words.

Thudding footsteps raced away. He glanced up in time to see Pete fleeing. Smart man.

Nicole’s fingers dug into his arms. “Sam was telling the truth.”

Just not all of it.

“It’s about what you want,” she said, her eyes searching his. “And no matter what Az may say, you don’t want to kill me.”

His forehead pressed against hers. “No.” He’d kill to protect her, had, and would again. But kill her?

Not his plan. Not now, not damn well ever. “If you’d been wrong … if Sam had been wrong …”

“According to the angels, I’m on borrowed time.” Her voice was flat. “Besides, I figured it was time I started trusting someone.”

A surprised rasp of a laugh escaped Keenan at that as he pulled her away from Bo’s body. Pretty soon, someone would notice the guy wasn’t just passed out from booze. “You decided to trust?” He led her into the thin alleyway between the buildings. The noise immediately dimmed. “And you figured you’d start by trusting Sam?”

“No.” Her fingers were curled around his. Holding tight. “You’re the one I trust.”

He stopped and turned slowly to face her. “Are you sure about that?”

“You could have your old life back, could have had it for a while now.” Her head tilted as she studied him. “But the way I see it, you want something else more.”

You. He’d never tried to hide his desire, not even when he pushed her away.

“You’re not facing the coyotes alone.” Her hands lifted and pressed against his chest. “You’re not facing Az alone. From now on, we’re a package deal, got it?”

He wanted to get it. His body was hot, heavy, aching for her. He wanted her there, against the broken brick wall. Wanted her any place he could get her because time wasn’t on their side. “And if you die?”

Her lips curved the faintest bit. “Haven’t you noticed yet? I’m a little hard to kill.”

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