He laid her down, then pulled away, his gaze watching her as he began to strip.

Oh, yes. His shirt hit the floor and she had one awesome view of his chest. Muscled. So very muscled. Way more than a six-pack on her angel. Sun-kissed skin. Flesh that was so delectable she wanted to bite.

Then he dropped his jeans.

Her sex clenched.

Keenan’s body was perfect. Absolutely perfect. And she wanted to touch every inch of him. Taste every inch.

His cock, full, thick, and long, stretched toward her and she rose up, reaching for him.

“No, sweet, I want to—”

Her fingers curled around him and he stopped talking. “Let me,” she said because it was important that this be good for him.

She bent forward and nipped the hard plane of his stomach. Couldn’t help that. Sometimes a girl needed a bite, but she didn’t break the skin.

She licked the small wound, and her hair fell forward, sliding against his body. He hissed out a breath and his hands locked around her shoulders—not to push her away but to bring her closer.

“You sure?” He gritted. “Am I … what you want?”

Her answer was to dip down and run her tongue over the top of his cock.

His fingers dug into her skin.

She opened her mouth wider, and being very, very careful with her teeth, she began to suck him. The flesh was warm beneath her tongue, the skin soft, but arousal had his c**k taut and hard. Her tongue licked over the head of his erection, and she tasted the salty tang that coated him.

“Nicole.” No mistaking the raw hunger in that voice.

But she wasn’t done with him. Not yet.

Death was coming too close to her. Right then, she wanted to grab life.

And taste it.

So she used her mouth and her tongue, and she caressed his flesh. Nicole took him in deeper as she sucked him, and she enjoyed the rough hunger in his voice and the hard grasp of his hands on her.

But too soon, he pulled away and held her back with a steely grip. “This time, I’ll be inside you.”

That was where she wanted him.

Keeping her eyes on his, she rose onto her knees. Nicole yanked off her shirt and tossed it to the floor. Her bra followed seconds later. Her br**sts pointed toward him, the peaks tight and aching.

She wanted his mouth on her.

Wanted him, in her.

He moved quickly, coming down on the bed in a rush and caging her with his body. His legs pushed between hers. His mouth took her breast.

When Nicole felt the edge of his teeth on her nipple, her panties got even wetter. She arched up against him, hating the jeans and the thin cotton that kept her from him. Her nails raked down his back as she pushed closer to him.

His fingers fumbled with her jeans, then he jerked the clasp open. He shoved down the rough fabric, and she helped him, lifting her hips, kicking off her boots, and when the jeans hit the floor, her panties were with them.


Flesh to flesh now. His mouth was on her. Licking. Kissing. Stroking her and making her crazy.

Her fangs were burning as they stretched in her mouth. Even in the daytime, she wouldn’t be able to hold the instincts and the changes back. Sex brought out the bloodlust too much.


His fingers were at her sex—parting the folds and finding the center of her need. He stroked her and the sensual touch had her shaking beneath him. “Keenan … more.” She wouldn’t be able to wait. She needed the pleasure now. Just as much as she needed air. Blood.


“You’re hot and wet.” His voice surrounded her, and the rough need she heard in his words had a dark thrill racing through her body. “I’ve thought about you …” The tip of his erection pressed against her, lodging at the entrance to her sex. “Dreamed about you, so many nights …”

The admission had her eyes widening. “You—”

His hands caught hers. He pushed them back on the mattress, holding them with ease. “Then I’d wake, and you weren’t there.”

His eyes looked as black as hers. Because they were. The blue was gone. Only darkness remained.

He drove into her then, a long, plunging thrust that stole her breath. “You won’t leave me … again.”

Nicole locked her legs around him. She wasn’t planning on going anywhere.

He pulled back, thrust, slamming balls-deep inside her, and they both gasped.

Pleasure ripped through her in a white-hot wave. Pulsing, cresting … The bed groaned beneath them as their movements became harder, wilder.

She licked her lips—want more.

He thrust deep.

Her sex clamped greedily around him. Her body was stretching, yearning. The tension built inside of her, and the promised release waited just beyond her grasp.

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