Barbara remembered that was what Gail wanted in a man. Someone who would do something that was important to him, but on his own and without help from others.

"He'll find a way," Barbara assured her. "You both will."

"You're doing it, and the hard way," Gail said without a tinge of jealousy. "You're fantastic!"

But Barbara sensed that something was troubling Gail. They hadn't become best friends without her being able to read Gail, at least a little.

"Okay, out with it. You shouldn't look worried about anything, with that adorable baby in his crib in your bedroom. What's the fly in the ointment?"

"I worry about Paul. It's not only that he's flying so much, in all kinds of bad weather, and he's not getting enough sleep because he takes every air delivery or mail run he can get. I'm not only afraid he'll fall asleep at the controls while flying... He's started doing some dangerous moonlighting work for Chet."

It hit Barbara like a rock thrown at her head. "Chet Armstrong?"

"Him and his father's company. They own a subsidiary that's making modifications in the Bee Gee. Chet asked Paul if he would work for them as a test pilot. Flying the planes after they're equipped with the new parts they hope will make the Bee Gees safer to fly. Paul will fly almost anything so he can save more and start his own business. So when he isn't on air runs for Red, he's flying planes for Armstrong Enterprises that shouldn't be taxiing on a runway."

Barbara became concerned, too. "I suppose you've tried talking him out of that work."

"He's adamant. I can't get anywhere with him on the subject. Maybe you can. Would you try?"

Barbara felt hopeless. "If you can't talk him out of it, I doubt I could."

Gail already had second thoughts. "He'd probably be mad at me if you did talk to him about it. He'd know I put you up to it. Oh, Barbara, I love him so much. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to him!"

"Men!" Barbara said. "We can love 'em, but I'll be damned if we'll ever understand 'em. I'll promise you this... I'll try to think of something. Some way to get him to stop working for Chet."

Gail looked like she had new hope, and for now she would settle for that. "If you can do that, you're a bigger miracle worker than Aimee Semple McPherson ever was!" Copyright 2016 - 2025