It was a truly pastoral scene, but Hugh took little interest in

it. He was engrossed with the task of getting out to the buffalo

camp, finding Considine, and making him come forward and save the

family. He approached the white, or rather red man, who cocked a

suspicious eye at him, and went on tearing the hide off the goat.

Hugh noticed that his hand trembled a good deal, and that a sort

of foam gathered on his lips as he worked.

"Good day," said Hugh.

The man glared at him, but said nothing.

"My name is Lambton," said Hugh. "I want to go out to the buffalo

camp. I want to find Tommy Prince, to see if he can go out with

me. Do you know where he is?"

The man put the blade of the butcher's knife between his teeth,

and stared again at Hugh, apparently having some difficulty in

focussing him. Then his lips moved, and he was evidently trying to

frame speech. He said, "Boo, Boo, Boo," for a few seconds; then he

pulled himself together, and said, "Wha' you want?"

"I want to get to the buffalo camp," said Hugh. "You know Reeves's


Here a twig fell to the ground just behind the man; he gave

one blood-curdling yell, dropped the knife, and rushed past Hugh,

screaming out, "Save me! Save me! They're after me! Look at 'em;

look at 'em!" His hair stood perfectly erect with fright, and, as

he ran, he glanced over his shoulder with frightened eyes. He didn't

get far. In his panic he ran straight towards the well, banged his

head against the windlass, and went thundering down the twenty or

thirty feet of shaft souse into the water at the bottom, where he

splashed and shrieked like a fiend, the noise reverberating up the

long shaft.

Hugh and the Chinaman ran to the well-top, Hugh cursing under his

breath. Every possible obstacle that could arise had arisen to

block his journey; every man that could have helped him was away,

or dead, or otherwise missing; and now, to crown all, after getting

thus far, he had apparently struck a prize lunatic, and would have

to stay in that awful desolation, perhaps for a week, with him and

a Chinaman. Perhaps he would have to give evidence on the lunatic's

dead body, and even be accused of causing his death. All these

thoughts flashed through his mind as he ran to the well-head. From

the noise he made the man was evidently not dead yet, and, looking

down, he saw his eyes glaring up as he splashed in the water.

"What's up with him?" roared Hugh to the Chinaman.

"Him, dlink, dlink--all-a-time dlink, him catchee hollows."

They had started to lower the bucket, when suddenly the yells

ceased, a loud bubbling was heard, and looking down they saw only

a dim, round object above the water. Without an instant's delay

Hugh put his foot in the bucket and signed to the Chinee to lower

him. Swiftly and silently he descended the well, jumped out of

the bucket, and grabbed the floating body of the drunkard with one

hand, holding on to the rope with the other. The man had collapsed,

and was as limp as a rag. Hugh made the rope fast under his armpits,

and gave the old mining cry, "On top there, haul away." Copyright 2016 - 2024